It seems Time Machine only checks the size of a file and not the date modified to back up. I have a Windows Virtual box and it does not back it up even though the date modified has changed since the last backup (because the virtual box file (.vdi) has not changed size).

Any ideas? Is there a setting to force Time Machine to check the date as well?


2 Answers 2


Was it ever backed up at all? As far as I know, a changed timestamp should include it.

However, your virtual machine image might also have been excluded using the extended attribute com.apple.metadata:com_apple_backup_excludeItem on the file. Use the xattr command in Terminal to see extended attributes.

See Does Apple's Time Machine app really copy everthing for more details.

  • Well it was always backing up before I upgraded to Maverick from Mountain Lion. I am wondering if that had an effect and what else is not being backed up. xattr "Windows 7.vdi" shows nothing. 110680576 -rw------- 1 myself staff 56668454912 Jul 29 06:31 Windows 7.vdi
    – user603749
    Jul 29, 2014 at 12:09
  • Eh, @user603749, now that you accepted this: did this work for you? Your comment says that xattr didn't show anything? (Also, your ls output doesn't show an @, to indicate the file has extended attributes.) Was it excluded somewhere else?
    – Arjan
    Jul 31, 2014 at 7:50

You can use Apple's tmutil to control which files/directories are backed up by using this command to allow them to be backed up (if they're excluded):

sudo tmutil removeexclusion your_file_or_dir

One can also exclude files/dir using this command:

sudo tmutil addexclusion your_file_or_dir

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