I have an application (Emacs) in the dock that is apparently starting in / (the root folder). Can I configure it to start in $HOME instead? e.g., looking for the equivalent of shortcut properties in Windows.

1 Answer 1


At the bottom of your .emacs file, insert:

(cd "~/")

cd is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `files.el'.

(cd DIR)

Make DIR become the current buffer's default directory.
If your environment includes a `CDPATH' variable, try each one of
that list of directories (separated by occurrences of
`path-separator') when resolving a relative directory name.
The path separator is colon in GNU and GNU-like systems.
  • Thanks you are correct this does work for Emacs, but I am still interested in a solution that would work with other apps as well.
    – wytten
    Aug 6, 2014 at 22:14

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