Is there a way to use facebook chat with out facebook's web interface or Pidgin? I'm not a pidgin user so the Pidgin plugin isn't an option.

  • What's the problem with Pidgin? You don't have to use Pidgin for all of your accounts, you could just use it for Facebook. Dec 7, 2009 at 1:28
  • You have a number of answers so far that look good to me; if you want more specific responses, though, you might follow up by saying why you want to avoid Pidgin. Dec 7, 2009 at 6:30
  • 2
    I'm a screen reader user and pidgin doesn't work with it.
    – Jared
    Dec 8, 2009 at 0:24

5 Answers 5


Kopete has a plugin. http://duncan.mac-vicar.com/blog/archives/557 it works so-so


Meebo can access Facebook. You can use it's "pop out" feature if you want each chat to have it's own window like a normal IM client. I don't see what's wrong with just using Pidgin though.

  • I'm a screen reader user and pidgin doesn't work with my screen reader. I'm also not a big fan of meebo since it is a web based client.
    – Jared
    Dec 8, 2009 at 0:23

IMO.IM, a similar service to Meebo mentioned by Brendan, also has face book and a pseudo-stand alone client for windows desktops that runs in a stripped down IE.


I'm currently using Digsby as a Facebook chat client (and Live, Gtalk and IRC, but that's not the point). Works fine for me.


Since I'm a screen reader user the only multi protocol IM client that works for me is Miranda I just recently found a facebook plugin, it can be found along with other bleeding edge plugins at http://dev.miranda.im/~jarvis/

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