I have to find average number of days where Status = new or open, Severity = 4, and Area = Apps.

Demo table

Area     Severity    Status    Days

Apps     4           new       20    ←
Apps     3           open      10
Node     3           close     0
Device   2           new       25
Apps     4           open      12    ←
Device   1           close     0
Node     4           new       13

The indicated rows meet the stated criteria, so the desired result is AVERAGE(20,12) which, of course, is 16.  I have tried =Average(IF((A:A="Apps")*(B:B="4")*(C:C="new")+(C:C="open"),D:D)) with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, but I am getting incorrect answer when using averageifs(); I am getting a #DIV/0! error. Please help me to fix this issue.

2 Answers 2


The fact that you have an "or" condition is going to screw up your use of AVERAGEIFS, since it only does "and" conditions. I think the best way to do this is to just calculate the average the old fashioned way:

=(SUMIFS(Days,Status,"new",Area,"Apps",Severity,4) +
SUMIFS(Days,Status,"open",Area,"Apps",Severity,4)) /
(COUNTIFS(Status,"new",Severity,4,Area,"Apps") +

I changed the ranges to named ranges for clarity, but you can replace those names with your particular ranges of cells.


You were close.  You need to respect the operator precedence rules and enclose the + subexpression in parentheses:

=AVERAGE(IF((A:A="Apps")*(B:B="4")*((C:C="new")+(C:C="open")), D:D))
                                   ↑                        ↑

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