I just upgraded my Ubuntu computer from 12.04 to 14.04, and my Eclipse Juno stopped working (couldn't start). So I decided to download Eclipse Luna. Now I can open Eclipse, but all my projects, settings and plugins are gone.

Is it possible to make Eclipse Luna look just like Juno, i.e. have the same projects in Package Explorer, the same repositories in Git Repositories view and the same plugins?

2 Answers 2


Reinstall your Juno version download from: https://eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/juno/sr2

instead of using your repository version


You need to be extremely careful.

I'd do like that:

  • export your Preferences in Juno.
  • untar your Luna onto a new directory
  • manually move all the contents in your $JUNO/plugins/ to $LUNA/plugins/
  • open Luna and:
    1. set a fresh new workspace directory > manually move your projects sources to the new workspace > import them as existing projects to see them in your package explorer
    2. look for updates in your plugin (Help > Check for Updates) and... update.
    3. import your previously exported Eclipse preferences

I am not aware now on how to keep your Working Sets in the explorer acroos the upgrade.. that would be nice to keep. You can try to manually move $JUNO_WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml to $LUNA_WORKSPACE but it personally here this didn't work out of the box probably because I referenced projects outside of my workspace.

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