I am using a Desktop PC with Windows 7 as Operating system. I am using VM PLayer to run a CentOS for me. I am going to use CentOS to setup an Asterisk environment for me so I can conduct studies on it. But when I install / create a new Virtual Machine, I get the error below:

Error while powering on: The virtual machine could not start. Make sure VMware Player is installed correctly. You must also have rights to run the software and access all directories the software uses, including directories in which the software is installed, directories containing the virtual disk and configuration files, and directories for temporary files.

Any Ideas what causing it? I have searched the internet for solutions but still no solutions worked. I also tried using an existing CentOS-virtual machine which I made from my friends computer (his installation worked) but it shows the same error. Thanks!

  • try reinstalling your VMware. Because as per your error, it's saying "make sure VMware Player is installed correctly".
    – Kunal
    Sep 12, 2014 at 8:56
  • Tried it number of times. Didn't worked.
    – Erick
    Sep 12, 2014 at 8:56
  • Have you also checked the permissions of the folder. I mean in Program Files and My Documents(or wherever your VM's are stored)?
    – Kunal
    Sep 12, 2014 at 9:09
  • I did. Same output. Granted all users for Full Control on both Virtual Machine folder and the VM Player folder itself. It still shows the same error.
    – Erick
    Sep 12, 2014 at 9:15

1 Answer 1


I had this error and it turned out to be a process left running after I'd closed the VM previously. I killed the 'vmx' process in Task Manager and the VM started OK.

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