I need to give permission for two users in the same directory, ie

I'm running a web application in /var/www and I want to make web server(nginx) writable, also want to give access to a ftp user(/var/www is the home directory of ftp user). I have tried with setfacl but that doesn't work?

  • What OS are you running on? setfacl has some problems on Ubuntu
    – Dylan
    Jan 20, 2015 at 0:55

2 Answers 2

  1. (optionally) create a group groupadd groupname
  2. add both users to the group for u in user1 user2 ; do usermod -aG groupname $u ; done
  3. set the group as the owner of the directory (and files inside) chown :groupname /var/www ; chmod -R g+rwX /var/www

acl should work. Are you using it right? Giving recursive rule for existing files and default for new files?

sudo setfacl -Rm d:g:<user-group>:rwX,g:<user-group>:rwX /var/www

Will give your main group rw permissions on files and x on the directories (to enter them).

-R: recursive
-m: modify existing rule (used to modify the existing permissions)
d:g:...:rwX: this indicates the default part for new files/directories
g:..:rwX: group to use for the acl
rwX: read, write and change directory allowed (rwx will allow execute on files too)

The command has two parts: d:g:..... before the , and g:.... after the , The 1st one (d:...) will assign the default for new files/directories and the 2nd one (g:...) will modify existing files.

Obs: you can also use acl for users (with u:) or other (o:) instead of groups (g:)

  • It worked for me but only when I removed d:
    – Wizard79
    Aug 19, 2017 at 19:29

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