I tried to add the following times:




and got:


using simply =firstCell+secondcell

all are in [h]:mm:ss format.

What could be the reason why the answer is wrong?

  • 5
    Cannot reproduce. I get 22:19:44. Check your data types. Sep 25, 2014 at 13:16
  • Notice the only one [hours]:mm:ss in your format - you need hh:mm:ss Sep 25, 2014 at 13:47

3 Answers 3


try that one....

Enter your hours and minutes in the following format:

hh:mm            example         10:20        for 10 hours, 20 minutes, OR 
hh:mm:ss        example        10:20:32     for 10 hours, 20 minutes, 32 seconds

In excel's mind:

12 hours + 13 hours = 25 hours (in yours too?)

However it will display to you as:

12 hours + 13 hours = 1 hour (it rolls over to the next day to show a time-of-day format)

To see the correct total of hours:

Method A

Right Click on your total
Click on Format Cells On the Number Tab, under "custom" change your settings to [h]:mm

Method B

Right Click on your total Click on Format Cells On the Number Tab, Select "Number" and 2 Decimal Places In your formula bar, add *24 to the end of the sum formula (example =SUM(A20:G20)*24 )

difference between Method A and Method B is

In Method A, eight and a half hours will appear as 8:30 In Method B, eight and a half hours will appear as 8.50


If you format your cells in hh:mm:ss you get the correct result:

enter image description here

  • Ok, but what is the difference? Sep 25, 2014 at 13:24
  • 1
    problem: with hh:mm:ss, I reach a 24hr limit. if I sum say 4:00:00 and 23:00:00 i do not get 27:00:00 but 3:00:00 (subtract 24hrs). how do i make it the true sum? Sep 25, 2014 at 13:27
  • 1
    You meant the formate would be "[h]:mm:ss" that is why I've said "If you format your cells in hh:mm:ss" ... Sep 25, 2014 at 13:39

I suspect the problem was hidden information.

enter image description here

One of the times was actually the time shown plus a day. The time containing the extra day was formatted hh:mm:ss, so only the portion less than a day was displayed.

  • I've successfully produced correct answer since all 3 cells are formatted as [H]:mm:ss,, 22:19:44. Nov 18, 2019 at 17:22

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