If you terminate explorer.exe which is also hosting a taskbar system component and then launch it again from task manager, it will open itself again with taskbar fully functional.

However, if I set up my own shell program, instead of explorer (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon), re-logon, and then terminate it from Task manager, and execute explorer.exe it gives me nothing but explorer window(file manager). Taskbar component does not show itself.

How can I achieve this? I am developing a kiosk application and I want to give administrators rights to switch to classic desktop if they need it. However, executing explorer.exe does not work like I expect it to be.

1 Answer 1


This Superuser post sounds like you need to launch "C:\Windows\Explorer.exe" instead of just "Explorer.exe" to get the taskbar back.

  • Unfortunately, this does not work as well. Strange. I'll try to test it with this GUID parameter. Oct 24, 2014 at 5:49
  • No, this does not work. But i found something odd. If i logon remotely as another user, and i change shell to explorer in registry (!) - i can terminate explorer and execute it again - i will get a taskbar. Now, i change (without logging out) default shell in registry to my app. Now i terminate explorer.exe from user session and execute it again - taskbat won't appear. Odd. Looks like explorer checks if it's default shell in registry, and basing on this setting decides if taskbar is needed. Oct 24, 2014 at 8:23

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