
I'm building an Excel webapp using the Javascript API for Office, and in the webapp I have links to MS Outlook using the Outlook Protocol. Example link:

<a title="outlook:Inbox/Projects/Current/ExampleProject" href="outlook:Inbox/Projects/Current/ExampleProject" target="_blank">ExampleProject</a>

I am running Outlook 2013, in which the protocol has officially been depreciated. It still works when one adds a registry key, though:

enter image description here

This opens a new instance of Outlook 2013 when the link is clicked on.


What I'd like it to do is to being the currently running instance up and change the view to the correct folder, instead of always starting a new instance. Is that possible?


G-Man was able to solve the multiple instance problem by suggesting /recycle in the Registry key. Now the only issue I have is that when I click the link it opens an instance of IE11 before changing the Outlook view, and that IE instance doesn't close afterwards.

Edit 2

To bypass the extra IE instance, I just needed to remove the target="_blank". And we have success!

  • 1
    Have you tried looking at additional command-line options for Outlook (to use in the command in the Registry string), such as /recycle? Oct 30, 2014 at 22:10
  • I haven't. The command line is an area in which I'm very inexperienced.
    – Kelderic
    Oct 30, 2014 at 22:14
  • That's it! I placed /recycle in front of /select and it works! Brilliant!
    – Kelderic
    Oct 30, 2014 at 22:20

1 Answer 1


Edit the Outlook command in the Registry string to include /recycle (before /select).  Microsoft’s Command-line switches for Outlook 2013 page defines /recycle as signifying “Starts Outlook by using an existing Outlook window, if one exists.”

  • 1
    You beat me to it! One note however, if using the Office 365 version of Office 2013, note that Office is installed in a different location by default so you need to alter your registry entry to match. Oct 30, 2014 at 22:43
  • Yes im not sure how exactly im going to handle that part. I might write up a javascript which output the correct regedit file when given the user's installation location
    – Kelderic
    Oct 30, 2014 at 22:46

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