I am trying to set up a Web server (apache2) in Windows 10, but when I put a index html into the htdocs folder, it said I don't have administration rights, but I am log in to my administration account! Anyone how to fix this?

1 Answer 1


You are almost certainly logged in with an account capable of being elevated to do 'admin-stuff'. But not actually using this all the time. This has been the default in windows since Vista.

This is why you sometimes get those UAC warnings when a program actually wants to use those admin rights. (Assuming you did not disable UAC, which is not recommended. It is there for a good reason.)

This means that you want to start an explorer as admin. E.g.

  • From the command prompt with 'runas'
  • Or by going to the exexutable, right clicking and selecting the 'run as administrator' option.

Then use that explorer/program to copy files.

This was the quick way around it on a test host (test is assumed since you are using a PREVIEW of an OS). The proper solution is to create a security group, make the webroot owned by that group (and writable by people in that group) and to add your account to that group.

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