I have the following upstart config (see below), on Centos 6.5

the file is in /etc/init/prerender-io.conf,

the service does not appear with the

"sudo initctl list" command


sudo initctl start prerender-io" 

gives :

initctl: Unknown job: prerender-io

I've also tried init-checkconf and it said "syntax ok"

description "prerender-io"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on shutdown

setuid vagrant
setgid vagrant


    exec node /usr/lib/node_modules/prerender/server.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/prerender.log
end script


update :

the setuid is the problem,

/etc/log/message was having "unknown stanza"

when I did "sudo initctl reload-configuration" ..

removing the setuid and setgid lines solves the problem, but how can I set the user and group ?

1 Answer 1


The problem is that the setuid and setgid is only available since upstart version 1.4

which is why

initctl reload-configuration 

logs "unknowk stanza"

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