I am used to =COUNTA(B3:B999) and change it when the number of rows exceeds 999, but I was wondering whether there is an endless setting.


=COUNTA(B3:B) did not work.

1 Answer 1


Try following (B3 is used as the first cell in this example):

Get remaining rows from current cell to the end of the column:


Select range from current cell to the end of the column:


Then count:


NOTE: If you are using LibreOffice Calc v3.3.3 or later, then use 1048576 instead of 65536

  • Since you seem to be using 65536 as the upper limit on the number of rows, what's wrong with the much simpler =COUNTA(B3:B65536)? I ask because I think I must be missing something.
    – AFH
    Jan 18, 2015 at 14:59
  • 1
    =COUNTA(B3:B65536) works fine until you start deleting rows in that range, when you delete rows the range will shrink in your formula Jan 18, 2015 at 16:49
  • Also =counta(indirect("B3:B65535")) works - note that later Excel versions has 1M (2^20) rows, not only 64K (2^16).
    – Hannu
    Jan 18, 2015 at 17:08
  • 1
    OK, thanks. I've tested and found that the 2^20 limit mentioned by @Hannu also applies to LibreOffice, so you can use up to =COUNTA(B3:B1048576). That means you would need over a million line deletions before the formula change becomes a problem. But I'm glad to have been made aware of the effect.
    – AFH
    Jan 18, 2015 at 19:48

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