I have come across WinSCP (http://winscp.net/) which I think is a fantastic client to work with my EC2 Ubuntu instance as a graphical alternative to PuTTY.

Is it possible to add a different terminal like PuTTY, so that I can launch PuTTY from the terminal, from within WinSCP?


2 Answers 2


You can configure the path to Putty executable in WinSCP preferences.

enter image description here

It will allow you to open Putty connection from WinSCP GUI in a click of a button:enter image description here


WinSCP can open its current session in PuTTY. If that's what your question is about (it's pretty unclear).

Go to Commands > Open in PuTTY in the main window menu.

You can also open the WinSCP stored site in PuTTY using Manage > Open in PuTTY command on Login dialog. I.e. use WinSCP as site manager for PuTTY to avoid duplicating the settings between the two programs and to make use of advanced features, such as site folders or an incremental search.

Read about all kinds of integration with PuTTY that WinSCP offers.


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