I am using Vmware player and my host OS is Windows 8 (guest OS is Lubuntu 14.04). I removed the top bar of my VMplayer because I found it annoying. I did this by going into


and then adding

pref.vmplayer.fullscreen.nobar = 1

at the end of the file. The issue is, now when I open up VMplayer and run my guest OS, I go into full screen mode with


but I can't cycle through multiple monitors since my top bar is not there. Any idea what the keyboard shortcut is to cycle through multiple monitors using VMplayer?

  • So are you on full screen mode all the time when you open VM player?
    – Prasanna
    Apr 18, 2015 at 5:48
  • 1
    @Prasanna I can go into small screen mode by hitting "Cntrl + Alt + Enter". When VMplayer is in small screen mode, there is a "Full screen" button and a "Unity" button (this "Unity" button turns into the "Cycle through multiple desktops" button after I go into full screen mode but since I disabled the top bar, I can't see the "Cycle through multiple desktops" button once I am in full screen). Apr 18, 2015 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


Searching for a solution I found this topic and I want to share a work around that I found.

Instead of removing the command bar, consider setting the size of the bar to 0. By this, the top bar can still be accessed but is not visible anymore.

pref.vmplayer.fullscreen.autohideSize = "0"

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