Is it possible to do the following?

Source          Target         Result
|1| |F|         |0|0|0|        |1|0|F|        
| | | |   ->    |0| |0|   =    |0| |0|        
|1| |F|         |0|0|0|        |1|0|F|        

i.e copy from a source table with empty cells and paste only the cells with values, not overwriting if the source has empty cells at those places

  • What have you research or attempted so far?
    – CharlieRB
    May 20, 2015 at 12:39

1 Answer 1


Use PasteSpecial with the Skip blanks option. Say we have:

enter image description here

and we copy from A1:C3 to F1:H3 using this option. We will have:

enter image description here

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