As a developer I frequently interact with JSON and XML values. But when I access any XML documents as in htt://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers?$format=atom the Firefox looks like the below screen:

enter image description here

which actually looks like this in chrome

enter image description here

How do I see my XML structure in Firefox, as it looks in Chrome now?

1 Answer 1


The Web Feed reader will be removed in a future version of Firefox:

After careful consideration of various options (which also included doing nothing, or investing heavily in updating the code), we've decided to go ahead and remove builtin feed support from Firefox.

This will happen as part of Firefox 64, scheduled for release in December 2018. We will not change anything on Firefox 60 ESR, but the next major ESR branch (currently expected to be Firefox 68 ESR) will include the same changes.


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