I am considering to use Prometheus for Monitoring my systems. The document explains how i can use it for metric monitoring like counters, histograms and summary. But it does not provide any information on how do i monitor simple availability of my services or endpoints. Something that nagios does with http check does. Is there any way to configure Prometheus to do simple http check for you?


1 Answer 1


Update: There's now an official blackbox exporter https://github.com/prometheus/blackbox_exporter

There's an blackbox prober for Prometheus that'll let you do this: https://github.com/discordianfish/blackbox_prober

Prometheus is mainly focused on whitebox rather than blackbox monitoring, but over time it's likely this functionality will be added as a core component.

See http://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exporters/ for a full list of the current exporters.

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