Can anyone explain the following?

:~$ ls macreave.sh fgvdvg > testo 2> testo
:~$ cat testo 
ccess fgvdvg: No such file or directory 

:~$ ls macreave.sh fgvdvg > testo 2>&1
:~$ cat testo 
ls: cannot access fgvdvg: No such file or directory 

Doing it the first way it eats the first few characters of the error message, the second way shows it just fine. Why is that?

1 Answer 1


With the second command

:~$ ls macreave.sh fgvdvg > testo 2>&1

you will cause the stderr ouput of ls to be written to the same filedescriptor than stdout (2>&1) and the stdout to the file testo: so you have a unique flux that finish in your file.

With the first command instead

ls macreave.sh fgvdvg > testo 2> testo

you are redirecting independently to the same file testo. The problem is pipings and redirections can be asyncronus (see this answer too); you have 2 fluxes that finish in your file both recreating it.

It seems that:

  • the faster was the stderror (for few bytes) that creates a file testo (>) and write inside ls: cannot a
  • then it is arrived the stdout that recreates the same file (>) erasing what inside and puts the output macreave.sh
  • finally it is arrived the second part of stderr that writes in the file what remains ccess fgvdvg: No such file or directory.

Maybe if you execute again you will have a different result.


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