My Toshibea latptop overheats (gets up to 92 degrees Farenheit -- CORRECTION CELSIUS) whenever a Symantect full scan takes place. suggestions?

Should I open up the back and try to clean the fan?

Whenever I hear the fan at maximum, and I feel a hot spot on the bottom of the laptop, I can find something in the task list that needs to be restarted -- except Symantec. However, I've tried running an active or full scan manually, and I can reliably reproduce the symptom by starting a full scan, and I can reliably cool it off by aborting the full scan.

Correct, this Toshiba didn't used to have this problem.

  • 1
    It looks like Symantec Endpoint does not provide a setting by which you could limit CPU usage to a certain %. Shame. But you know what, 92F is nowhere near overheating. In fact, that's amazingly cool. You sure that's not 92C you're seeing?
    – misha256
    Jul 16, 2015 at 3:53
  • Yup, 92F is not overheaing.. can you post a screenshot of Hwmonitor? cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html
    – Bilo
    Jul 16, 2015 at 4:02


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