I am trying to produce a formula that counts how many times and individual registers a time between a certain time range. The table below is part of the data. So, for example, I need a formula to count how many times Richard arrived between 1500 and 1800.

The table has columns headed Name, ontime and scheduled time

I have tried combining LOOKUP and COUNTIFS, but none seem to work.

name    on time Sched Time

James   N   1655
Robert  N   1115
Robert  N   1650
Helen   N   1130
Helen   N   1630
Richard N   1115
Richard N   1545
Richard N   1700
Colin   N   1235
Colin   N   1600
Colin   N   1725
Paul    N   1225
Paul    N   1545
Paul    N   1715
  • 1
    Please post what you've tried so far and what wasn't working. Jul 27, 2015 at 11:53

1 Answer 1


With multiple criteria consider using Sumproduct():


enter image description here

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