I cannot get the INDIRECT Excel function to reference a cell from another worksheet.

I've tried many variations of the following formula but always get an error

=INDIRECT("'Form Responses 1'!""C"&D13)


=INDIRECT("'"Form Responses 1'"!""C"&D13)

I'm trying to get data from Column C on Worksheet 'Form Responses 1' – with Row variable in cell D13 [I can put the cell D13 (row variable) on either worksheet which ever is more convenient for the formula] to my destination Worksheet (into cell C2 on the destination worksheet) I put the formula above in C2 on my destination worksheet.

I can write formulas for INDIRECT function that work on the same worksheet and formulas for moving a cell from one worksheet to another but cannot get INDIRECT function to work from one worksheet to another with the variable row.

1 Answer 1


Your first try is close, but it has some extraneous quotes:

=INDIRECT("'Form Responses 1'!""C"&D13)

You should do this:

=INDIRECT("'Form Responses 1'!C"&D13)

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