I'd like to rename my images according to their date in EXIF information, BUT with a twist: the date in the EXIF information of one camera brand (the one named panasonic) is off by one hour (it should be one hour sooner).

How can I do this in Linux? I have tried using exiftool as mentioned here : Sort and rename images by date in EXIF info, but this one hour offset really bugs me, and I am not good enough in scripts or programmation to do it by myself.


1 Answer 1


Run exiftool -alldates-=1 -if '$make eq "Panasonic"' <your dir with photos>, then follow the guide you linked

  • Thanks, it works. If I may also add a completary question: Would it also be possible to append "-panasonic" to all filenames whose picture was taken with this camera brand ?
    – thomasUJ
    Oct 25, 2015 at 13:42
  • Get the "if" part from the line above, add it to the command you used to change file names, and insert -panasonic before perdiod (dot, full stop) in the date format string (the one after -d)
    – SΛLVΘ
    Oct 25, 2015 at 16:08

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