I used to sync my Chrome bookmark, and Chrome create a folder named Google Chrome in my Google Docs

Now I want to delete it. Is there any way to do?

2 Answers 2


There's an active discussion on the Google support forums right now with one suggestion that has worked for some, but not from all. Quote:

I just found solution. I created new folder and kept default name "New Folder" then I selected the folder "Google Chrome" and clicked move to and moved it to "New Folder" then I selected "New Folder" and clicked delete

  • +1 and accept. It works for me. Maybe it did not work in case this account have an active bookmark syncing Jan 23, 2010 at 14:21
  • This doesn't work. "False Alarm---when I go back to my Google Docs it magically appears again right where it was before I tried anything"
    – Kez
    May 11, 2010 at 23:10

Correct Solution:

  1. Enable Sync
  2. Backup All Bookmarks to local Bookmark file Via : Tools>Bookmark Manager >Export bookmark
  3. Delete all Bookmarks from Your machine (chrome: tools>bookmark Manager>bookmark toolbar, Ctrl + A , Delete. Repeat for "Other bookmarks")
  4. Wait 2-3 Minutes
  5. check Google docs - bookmarks gone :)
  6. Restore your exported Bookmarks using Import feature.

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