Questions tagged [aerofs]

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2 votes
2 answers

Is it worth installing java for a single application? [closed]

I'd like to use AeroFS as Windows Live Mesh is going away. I'm a heavy user of the PC-PC sync functionality and there's nothing similar available on the market. BUT, AeroFS requires Java. So, in ...
Sabowtage13's user avatar
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AeroFS doesn't start

I have just installed AeroFS. The AeroFS folder that was supposed to be created after the installation hasn't been created. When starting the AeroFS application nothing happens and there is no AeroFS ...
snakile's user avatar
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Change AeroFS folder location

I'm using AeroFS on a Linux/Windows dual-boot computer, and I need to find a way to change the location of the AeroFS folder so that it can be accessible from Windows as well as Ubuntu. Is there any ...
Anderson Green's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I use AeroFS to transfer a file once, not sync forever?

I want to transfer (copy) a very large folder to another computer using AeroFS. Specifically: I want to keep the copy on the original computer. I want the copy on the original computer to be ...
Ein's user avatar
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