Questions tagged [apache-http-server]

Apache is the widely known term for the Apache HTTP server, a very commonly used web server software maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. If your question is about other Apache software such as Tomcat or log4j, is a better choice.

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No input file specified with apache configuration php-fpm redhat

I have a php 8 installation (php-fpm) with apache on a redhat server. The apache configuration contains this rule for php files in the virtualhost: ProxyPassMatch ^(..php.)$ fcgi://X.X.X.X The php-...
el sparrow's user avatar
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Why is my WordPress admin page is in plain text on Apache web server and not being parsed as PHP?

I am trying to set up a website and edit its content with WordPress, but as soon as I try to log in to it by going to (with HTTP, trying with HTTPS results in a "not found&...
luftwaffle's user avatar
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I've tried preventing TLSv1.0 and TLS1.1 in Apache, but the protocols are still active

I have a web site (one of a few) on a server. I'm trying to up the score of my domain in - but it doesn't seem to be working. Contents of: /etc/apache2/sites-available/&...
Jim's user avatar
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Block all CONNECT requests to all ports

i have a nextcloud installation and some other webapps ive built on my home server. Strangely lately im getting attacks (not succesful ones) and its slowing down my network. I would like to know if ...
yasuocidal's user avatar
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Unexpected Login Redirect in Localhost WordPress Sites

I have two WordPress websites set up for learning purposes on my localhost. One is a clone of the other, and both are accessible through different loopback addresses in my /etc/hosts file. When ...
paneer_curry's user avatar
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Apache failover BalanceMember

An interesting question crept up on me when I made the following configuration (names and IPs are fictitious). Background: route 1 - is an IPSec tunnel route 2 - to the ...
Tsunani's user avatar
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PHP-FPM on Apache log issue

I am having trouble finding the cause of my php-fpm process logging its error output to the same location as the script result. I have an Apache server which passes requests to the php-fpm process ...
user10709800's user avatar
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Why can’t I seem to access the website hosted on my domain using Apache and Route 53?

I installed Apache on my EC2 instance to serve my website. I bought the domain for the website from GoDaddy. To serve the website on AWS hosted EC2 instance, I created a hosted zone in Route53 for the ...
Anuj Panchal's user avatar
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Installing Superset Locally Using Docker Compose and Rancher Desktop on WIndows. Error: While importing '', an ImportError was raised

I am following the superset docs . But I keep getting this error over and over again. superset_app | ...
Ayushman singh's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fake an external server for a client device?

TL;DR: How do I redirect all HTTP traffic of connected devices on a self-controlled Linux WiFi Access Point to Apache/nginx on the same machine and let Apache/nginx respond back? Scenario: I have a ...
ldfjglfkgj's user avatar
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Can't rename a .part file apache2 webdav server

I have an apache2 server with WebDAV enabled. I can rename and move anything as long as it doesn't end with .part. when I try I get a 404. I can rename a file to end in .part and I can delete and open ...
Ford Stewart's user avatar
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How recover php-fpm conf.d files?

I'm trying to upgrade PHP with php-fpm from 8.1 to 8.2. By mistake, I've deleted the files inside /etc/php/8.2/fpm/conf.d I've tried to restart php8.2-fpm and Apache2 server, re-install php-fpm, but ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How to safely change uid and gid for apache user (www-data) on Ubuntu 22.04

I have a quite specific situation where a migration needs to happen from one brand od linux to ubuntu 22.04. So far, so good. Among other things original setup have multiple users and respective ...
Darko Miletic's user avatar
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Multiple EVE-NG instances behind a Ubuntu Apache reverse proxy

I'm trying to setup multiple instances of EVE-NG community edition behind an apache reverse proxy server. No need for internet or ssl, just http is fine, but if it's a must, I can add https. I get a ...
debosmebo's user avatar
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2 answers

Define subdomain with apache ServerName using FritzBox

I have a server with apache2 connected with my FritzBox, which does port forwarding on 80 and 443 and is reachable from the outside net via <MYFRITZ> I can access a simple html, if ...
Jannek S.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Certificate is valid, but website shown as not secure on some browsers

So I'm currently trying to set up a website over https. I have a webserver running Ubuntu and Apache2, and DNS records are set to direct and traffic. I have a valid ...
guninvalid's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy with multiple destinations

I'm trying to to set up my Apache2 reverse-proxy so I can have one domain and redirect it to multiple Docker apps running on a different VM with ...
Dymas's user avatar
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Home Network, How to install SSL XAMPP Self-Hosted Website

I use laptop IP Lan I opened port 80 on this IP. Hairpin NAT in LAN. I registered the domain at and assigned it to my WAN IP. I install default XAMPP (C:...
Rick Horn's user avatar
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Apache load balancer unable to distinguish between different subdomains

I am trying to configure an Apache load balancer to route requests to a number of backend servers but for some reason it seems that the main domain's content is always being loaded, regardless of the ...
mya205's user avatar
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Does Apache and Tomcat support gMSA

I wonder if Apache and Tomcat support gMSA as "log on as" account for their corresponding Windows service. In latest Tomcat's documentation, there is only mention of "Domain User" ...
el_grom's user avatar
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mod_remoteip not showing true IP of the visitor

I am trying to get the real IP behind Cloudflare. I did as I found on Google, installed mod_remoteip then configure it as following: LoadModule remoteip_module modules/ RemoteIPHeader X-...
Zeyd Lprn's user avatar
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How to run an Apache server with a custom configuration in macOS

I am on MacOS 10.15.7 (Catalina) with Apache 2.4.53. I need to run the Apache HTTP server with alternate configuration files. The usual documentation says that apachectl -k start -f /path/to/conf/file ...
Hubert Kauker's user avatar
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Why is 'mime.types' required in Apaches' 'conf' directory?

I have been running Apache for around 5 years now and am going through a streamlining of my site scripts. In this process I removed all directories and files I didn't know a use of. In my server root ...
user10709800's user avatar
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How do I source an external script in /etc/sysconfig/httpd?

Let's say I have set EnvironmentFile in /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service as follows: … [Service] .. EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/httpd I then put the following in /etc/sysconfig/httpd: ...
H M's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy delay in serving user request

We have a problem with our system where users randomly experiencing delay. Our architecture is reasonably straightforward, where: We have Apache 2.4.57 acting as a reverse proxy We also have multiple ...
caffeine_inquisitor's user avatar
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Can't access remote port 81 despite netstat showing it bound

I have an apache server with multiple VirtualHosts filtered by the ServerName directive. I am now attempting to have a VirtualHost filtered based a seperate port number, but am having issues. My ...
user10709800's user avatar
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2 answers

https url not found on ubuntu apache2

Trying the configure SSL on Apache2 on Ubuntu server installed Apache sudo apt install apache2 Opened ufw firewall sudo ufw allow 'Apache' ufw allow https Installed SSL files in /root/cert chmod ...
vrao's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot slow web page

I have a web page https running on a raspberry pi. When I access it through my LAN by IP, everything works as expected. I have an address using ddns that I was planning to use, and apache is set up to ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I see which modules exists in a .so files?

I'm trying to understand Linux and *.so files. It's hard. I try to figure out, how can I find which modules are available in a *.so file, e.g: In my httpd configuration file I found the following line:...
N. J's user avatar
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2 answers

MongoDB error - Failed with result 'core-dump'

I need help with MongoDB. I am running Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy). When I run systemctl status mongod, I get this: × mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/...
Creeper39x's user avatar
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1 answer

Using a Windows machine as an intranet server

I have an internet modem/router which I use to create an intranet. One of the computers on the intranet is a Windows 10 machine using WAMP and Apache to create an HTTP server. The router (Xfinity) ...
Rick Holt's user avatar
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Using MacPorts build of PHP causes Apache to SEGV

I have successfully added PHP to the built-in Apache on Mac OS Ventura (on Intel), however it's an old build of PHP 7. My problem is that when I try to use the latest version as built using MacPorts ...
Philip Kearns's user avatar
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Apache proxypass mangles url

I'm trying to use my apache server to proxy another site, and it's mostly working. I can get the root page to proxy correctly, but any subdirectories or subpages are failing: -> ...
GrateJames's user avatar
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How do I handle server redirects with apache

I have a windows 10 pc running Apache with a couple VMs and another windows pc running octoprint. What I want to accomplish is going to pc1.local/octoprint points to http://[pc2ipaddress]:[portnumber]....
Courtney Banks's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPassReverse not forwarding location response

I am trying to forward a subdirectory to a docker setup using Apache proxy and reverseproxy using Apache on a Linux server Here is the example <Location /foo/> RewriteEngine On ...
electricjelly's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy reroute URL to docker container in local network

I started slowly pulling my hair out. I cannot believe such a simple thing causes me this much headache. What I'm basically trying to achieve is to make http://maris-minipc/portainer to point to http:/...
Jumpman's user avatar
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SSH session via Apache web page on ports 80/443

I'm running a web/mail server at home, it is publicly accessible on the standard ports. I have SSH running on a non-standard port and can usually connect to this externally, but my day job has a ...
JWright's user avatar
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PHP file_put_contents: Failed to open stream: Permission denied

I want to store images using PHP, so I am using the following code: $encodedCard = isset($_POST["card"])? $_POST["card"] : null; $name = isset($_POST["fn"]) ? $...
Maulik Pratap Singhal's user avatar
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Can Apache be gracefully restarted without clearing the mod_cache_socache cache?

I recently enabled mod_cache_socache on Apache and created a large memory cache Unfortunately it seems impossible to cache anything for longer than a day due to logrotate doing a graceful restart of ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Two subdomains on same public IP but two different webservers

We have two webservers, one that hosts our helpdesk web portal ( and the other host our company's intranet( I am trying to configure Apache webserver hosted on ...
wstrosser's user avatar
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/etc/hosts blocks instead of redirecting

I'm trying to redirect Facebook to localhost on Mac OS Ventura. This is my /etc/hosts hello procrastinator...% ...
mircealungu's user avatar
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Apache setting custom headers with mod_header, but when enabling mod_cache, wrong headers can be sent to wrong people

I like to put custom headers in my Apache server's HTTP responses (using mod_header) based on whether the request came in over IPV4 or IPV6, like this: <If "%{IPV6} == 'on'"> Header ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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How is Windows 11 Apache php 8 Apache manual setup different from the php 7 on windows 10

I have read previous post on the setup of Apache php MySQL manual installation and the all seems to follow the same steps. Please what would be the constant k in all the different different versions ...
 C Okonta's user avatar
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Firefox stuck on .htaccess redirect?

For the testing purposes I have put a .htaccess file in my local webserver to force the following redirect: http://localhost/a-s/ → After tests I have purged everything ...
trejder's user avatar
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Upload files in Apache WebServer (Windows 10)

I have succesfully installed Apache WebServer on my Windows 10 pc. I am trying to upload some files in it, but couldn't find way. It's ridiculous the amount of misleading information you find online ...
LJS's user avatar
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GET requests get sent as "(internal dummy connection)" in Apache 2.4.52

I'm running a browser game that requests a lot of files from the server while loading. After the user has requested around 200 files, the requests get cancelled in the browser. The access logs of ...
Jonas T.'s user avatar
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File permissions 0400 vs 0600

I have a question about file permissions for the owner of a file. 0400 permission means owner has read access. 0600 means, that the owner has read + write access. But even if the file is set to 0400, ...
mortimer's user avatar
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How to access PHPMyAdmin from the web on a VPS (IaaS) server environment? [closed]

Ubuntu server 22.10. If PHPMyAdmin doesn’t have this path /var/www/html/phpmyadmin then how could I access it from https://IP-ADDRESS/phpmyadmin? I thought about creating a softlink from /usr/share/...
alhemister's user avatar
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Set Apache Server to listen in wi-fi network interface ip address on windows

How to setup apache server to listen on a dynamic taken ip address of a wi-fi network adapter on windows 11 ? The ip is from a only local wi-fi access point that have a dhcp running on it (dd wrt ...
baldhead's user avatar
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Macports service start order

I'm using MacPorts version of apache2 and php82 on Mac Os Catalina (10.15.7). The services load at the start, but I can't find a way to start them in the correct order, PHP and then apache. Sometimes ...
Andrea Dalseno's user avatar

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