Questions tagged [appointments]

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2 answers

Different default Style Set for new emails and to notes in new contacts, appointments and tasks of Microsoft Outlook

I formatted a Microsoft Outlook 365 email in my PC the way I want all new emails to be formatted by default. (An example of such settings: The left and right margins were set to 3 cm.) Then, I saved ...
Rodolfo Oviedo's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Create Outlook Appointments for a group without being included?

I have seen a similar request, but it doesn't specifically address my needs so I'm hoping I can glean a different answer by restating the question.Here's the situation: I am the manager of a sales ...
SeriousSalesSally's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I delete appointment from my calendar but not cancel meeting?

I have created many appointments for my team, so I am the originator and the only one who can make changes to the appointment. I am leaving this team and would like to remove these appointments from ...
tempadmin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Oulook '16: Room Finder Button missing / not working after adding it (a second time) to the Ribbon Menu

I noticed I am missing the Room Finger Button in the Ribbon Menu of the New Appointment Windows of Outlook 2016. I already read this article and checked what is set in my Registry: https://support....
Geco Mynx's user avatar
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