Questions tagged [aquamacs]

Aquamacs is a Mac OS X port of the Emacs text editor, running as a standalone application.

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4 votes
5 answers

Aquamacs overrides my custom-set-faces options

I've just installed Aquamacs on my Mac. I have a .emacs file in my home, which contains all my customizations. Among these, I have: (custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "black" ...
Roberto Aloi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Aquamacs: How to Remap Capslock to Meta Key, at Application Level?

In aquamacs, how can I remap the capslock key to meta? I can remap command to control using: (setq mac-command-modifier 'ctrl) Is there a similar way to remap the capslock? EDIT: I know that I can ...
Rob's user avatar
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2 answers

aquamacs open and jump to line number

How can I open Aquamacs and jump to a specific line number from the command line (I've already installed the Aquamacs command line tools). In regular emacs I can do emacs +5 test.txt to open and jump ...
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