Questions tagged [autocomplete]

A feature where a program proposes the user to complete a text input based on what the user started to type. Autocomplete proposes the most likely string input.

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2 answers

Making Awesome guess file endings from application name

In bash-completion when I tab to complete a filename and the application has a preferred file extension, bash will intelligently guess it. As an example evince test/te --*tab*--> evince test/test....
Neuneck's user avatar
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How can I manage (delete) emails suggested via the autocomplete feature in Outlook 2011 for Mac?

I recently switched to using Mac with Outlook 2011 for Mac. For some reasons many of the email addresses the program suggests are wrong and the worths part is that they don't have the "X" next to them ...
TomEus's user avatar
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TextMate can't autocomplete jquery methods by pressing esc?

I'm using TextMate (mac), I was told that this app can autocomplete jQuery methods or functions by pressing the esc key. I have the script tag like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $("...
Josh's user avatar
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How stop zsh backspacing over trailing underscore in autocomplete filename?

I have several files in my test directory that all start with 'test_'. I frequently use autocomplete to specify one of these files to edit or run. When I press tab to autocomplete, zsh correctly fills ...
scanny's user avatar
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Many commands are not found by zsh

If I tab autocomplete, most of the time I get errors: If I do vim [TAB] to look for the files in the folder, it just jumps to the next command line. If I try to execute rvm use 2.0.0 --default I get ...
Denny Mueller's user avatar
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How do I get emacs to autoexpand from a list of known keywords?

On a Ubuntu installation I have both python-mode.el and the command in my .emacs file: (global-set-key [f2] 'hippie-expand) Thus keywords are highlighted and variables that I have defined already ...
Hooked's user avatar
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Bash-like autocomplete in Windows 7 "Run..."

I am an usual Linux user and I got addicted to the ability of running commands from the terminal or the Run textbox (The one which has got AltF2 as default shortcut). In Windows 7, I'd like to work ...
HisDudeness's user avatar
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Opera autocomplete in custome search engine

Some build-in search engine of Opera have auto-complete feature. How can I add these capability to my custom search engines? `
Real Dreams's user avatar
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Autocomplete only on demand in OpenOffice Calc

In Open-/Libreoffice Calc, it is possible to enable the auto-completion of cells. That means the cell is filled e.g. with a string that starts with the characters already typed. This may give unwanted ...
Tim's user avatar
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Chrome Omnibox interrupts typing, focus jumps to instant search

My Chrome Omnibox intermittently interrupts my typing, performs google instant search, and moves the focus off of the omnibox, preventing me from continuing to type. Is there a setting that I can ...
user15741's user avatar
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2 answers

Password memorization and autocomplete heuristics in Chrome

What are Chrome's heuristics to decide to save login form data and autocomplete them on the next visit? If Chrome isn't saving the credentials on a particular form, what could the reasons be? I know ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
16 votes
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How can I disable that "Display all possibilities" and --More-- stuff in bash?

In my shell, l + tab completes like: wim@wim-zenbook:~$ l Display all 135 possibilities? (y or n) There's a prompt to answer y or n which is annoying, and it pages through with --More-- which is ...
wim's user avatar
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ZSH, colourify & autocompletion

I have zsh with oh-my-zsh, I added an alias to color the make output using alias make="colourify make" but when I use it, make autocompletion does not work anymore. If I use unalias make, the make ...
oulipo's user avatar
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Can I make zsh expand tildes in double quotes?

Ever since I discovered you can use filename completion in double quotes, I've been using it for files with spaces in their names (like /Library/Application Support). It looks nicer and is easier to ...
Blacklight Shining's user avatar
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autocompletion of .. from a symlinked path

Say I cd to a symlink then try to tab-autocomplete on top of ../ $ mkdir /foo/bar $ ln -s /foo/bar /baz/bar $ cd /baz $ cd bar $ cd ../{tab} In bash, autocomplete presents me with the contents of ...
Mike's user avatar
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bash autocompletion is slow, freezing my desktop

sometimes when working with a custom kernel, pressing tab in the bash autocompletes at a horrible pace. It freezes the whole desktop. Then comes back after awhile. This is the only quirk that I've ...
user108754's user avatar
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4 answers

Why are all my Outlook autocomplete email addresses suddenly missing?

I have exported all the data (emails, calendar, contacts etc.) from one Outlook PST file into a new PST file, and am now using this new file instead. Everything is working well, except now my auto-...
Austin ''Danger'' Powers's user avatar
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5 answers

Google chrome disable url suggestions from history

I was searching for a solution which will help me to disable URL auto suggestion (from history) while I type URL on address bar, but I haven't found anything about this solution. I tried to uncheck ...
Tural Ali's user avatar
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Bash-like code completion in vim?

I'm currently using superTab for completions in Vim. However, I'd like the completions to be more like bash. For example, if I'm typing st and the possible completions are struct, string I'd like ...
Alexander Duchene's user avatar
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How can I delete an entry from the Windows Explorer autocomplete/drop down list?

In Windows Explorer, when you start typing a location in the address bar (or click on it's drop down menu), there's a list of autocomplete entries that automatically shows up. How can you delete an ...
kevinmicke's user avatar
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Where the data related to firefox urlbar.autoFill is stored?

Attention! This question is not about auto filling the forms and/or passwords! In firefox (just like chrome) when I type in s in the address bar, it automatically fill the rest to ...
Pouya's user avatar
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How do I skip the requirement to hit tab twice on a soft link autocomplete? [duplicate]

When I am in the bash terminal (Mac) and I am selecting a file, I can easily type the first part of a directory and hit tab to have it auto complete, for example: cat ~/Desk [tab] -> cat ~/Desktop/...
kmace's user avatar
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How to get the result from bash auto-completion as a string?

What I'm looking for is not how to add autcompletion in bash for another program, but a way to get the result of what would have happened in bash to a string, basically: autocomplete "/etc/apa" ...
xtin's user avatar
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Why does Chrome suddenly stop autocompleting a URL for me?

Chrome used to complete cal to for me, but it stopped working. At the moment I'm on 27.0.1448.0 dev on OS X, but this issue is just affecting my profile, not others, so it's not ...
slhck's user avatar
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In Excel 2007, in VBA editor, why when I type Worksheets(1). , Excel does not list the members of the Worksheet object? (and how to fix this)

The picture that explains the question: Notes: I have Tools: Options: Auto List Members option selected Ctrl+Space fails I know that I can use the Object Browser to see, what members I can use with ...
colemik's user avatar
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How to remove all autocomplete urls with a certain url in Chrome

I am converting my localhost:8888 to localhost and I want to remove all the autocomplete urls that have localhost:8888 in them. I already did this for history but how do I do this for autocomplete? I ...
Jason Silberman's user avatar
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How to add an text entry to automatically complete a form in Google Chrome?

In Google Chrome, when I type something to an textbox, such as my email address or an username for a website, Chrome remembers it. The next time I log in to that website, I just type some first letter ...
BSF Light's user avatar
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Google Chrome Omnibox differences between 2 installs on Chrome 27 Dev

I have Google Chrome 27 dev (specifically, 27.0.1438.7) installed on my Macbook Pro at home and my iMac at work. Both Macs are on 10.8.3. At work my omnibox auto-completes the way I have always seen ...
Steve's user avatar
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Notepad++: How to change Tab key to other key for auto-completion insert? Conflict with other plugin

I have installed the FingerText plugin. It uses Tab key to insert snippets. But default NP++ auto-complete also uses Tab and so FingerText is stepped on by the default - the default hint appears at ...
Green's user avatar
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80 votes
5 answers

How can I disable Chrome's address bar search autocomplete?

Chrome's autocomplete for searches is often very annoying and intrusive because it is opt-out. It autocompletes by default and you have to press Backspace to dismiss it. Google search suggestions are ...
Brian Ortiz's user avatar
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Stop Opera from autocomplete domains

I want to make Opera behave like Firefox, i.e. search in local history / bookmarks, but not search online, sending addresses i type to the internets.
Smit Johnth's user avatar
9 votes
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Get full list of Autocomplete entries?

How can I get a full list of saved auto-complete entries for a specific textbox name in google-chrome? Pressing the ↓ key with the textbox focused, gives me 6 random entries. Typing s gives me ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
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How to make Notepad++ autocomplete with "end" word in Ruby?

Is it possible to set the Notepad++ that it would automaticly put end after I print class instruction: class MyClass // right after I print the first whitespace after 'class' instruction... end // ....
Green's user avatar
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9 answers

How to make Excel 2010 auto-fill new row with formulas?

I can swear that I have seen that behaviour where Excel automatically fills in a newly inserted row with the same formula as on the row above. I know this can be done with some VBA, but if possible I'...
RipperDoc's user avatar
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How to enable autocomplete in gmail login screen

My gmail login screen used to autocomplete my username and password. Now it does not. I have checked my Internet Explorer internet settings and verified that autocomplete is turned on, but still no ...
user197623's user avatar
4 votes
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zsh autocomplete menu press enter once

I'm looking for a zsh option that allows me to only press enter once when the autocompletionmenu in open. The it works now I have to press enter to select an item in the menu and make it go away and ...
acidtv's user avatar
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History and completion not working in coffeescript repl on linux mint

I have recently switched from Ubuntu 12.04 to Linux Mint 14. One thing that is mysteriously not working is autocompletion (tab) and history (uparrow) in coffeescript repl (coffee command). Instead of ...
Tad Lispy's user avatar
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Outlook auto-complete list doesn’t remember names or email addresses

I have MS Outlook 2010, but the Auto-Complete list doesn’t remember names or email addresses. It remembers them for the first time before I close and open Outlook again. When I open Outlook it seems ...
Adban's user avatar
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emacs auto-complete behavior with underscores in python mode

In my .emacs I have the following line of code: (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "." python-mode-syntax-table) This is so that commands like forward-word and backward-kill-word stop at any underscores that ...
jarvisschultz's user avatar
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Bash 4.2 doesn't complete directory names

I have a problem with bash completion after a system upgrade. $ mkdir abcde $ cd abc[TAB] does nothing, while in the older bash versions it would expand to $ cd abcde. Some older forum on bash ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Mercurial: how to show branches in autocompletion

It is possible to update to a specific tag or branch with the hg update <branch-or-tag> command. However, the built-in completion only shows me tags (not branches). So when i type hg update and ...
Patrick Oscity's user avatar
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Did Firefox use to autocomplete websites in the address bar?

In Chrome, when you type face into the address bar without hitting Enter, it comes up with the URL of Facebook,, and you can choose to enter that site. I guess that was possible in ...
xisini's user avatar
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Autocomplete existing variable names in Sublime Text 2

On my Windows machine I also use ST2, but it handles autocomplete of existing variable names in the current file. How do I enable this in ST2 on my mac? Syntax is PHP
andyderuyter's user avatar
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linux / mac command line autocomplete (google search style)

Anybody know a good way to get my command line in Linux or Mac to behave similar to that of google autocomplete? I feel like ...
kurtybot's user avatar
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Bash autocomplete for different directories

I've played with bash autocomplete now for a while, but couldn't find a solution for my problem. I have a project directory with subfolders like this: projects/ruby/project1 projects/ruby/project2 ...
23tux's user avatar
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My zsh autocompletion for CDPATH stopped working

I am using zsh and I always were able to cd right into paths that are part of my CDPATH configuration but, starting a few days ago, the completion stopped working. mbp:~ $ echo $CDPATH /Users/fcoury/...
kolrie's user avatar
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How to quickly type "->" in Netbeans for PHP

Almost C++ IDE know when they should turn the "." to "->", but with some off my PHP IDE they don't. For example: $f = new Foo; $f. // will not turn to $f-> Is there any trick for do that in ...
nvcnvn's user avatar
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Set timeout on zsh autocompletion

I like ZSH's autocompletion feature, but often it hangs my terminal. I'd like to set timeout on autocompletion so it cancels (kills) itself after n miliseconds.
sheerun's user avatar
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Make emacs autocomplete cpp files over binary files

My question is similar to this one, except for emacs instead of vim. The issue is that I have a cpp file that I want to open and when I type f[TAB] it autocompletes to foo the binary file foo instead ...
gsgx's user avatar
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How to fuzzy complete filenames in bash like vim's ctrlp plugin?

Say my pwd is at ~/myproject/ and I have a file in ~/myproject/scripts/com/example/module/ In vim with ctrlp plugin, I can press Ctrl+P, type run_main_ Enter, I am editing that ...
fqsxr's user avatar
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