Questions tagged [autoindent]

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23 votes
4 answers

Is there an HTML auto-indentation feature or plugin for Sublime Text (aka prettify/beautify/format)?

For example, something to change: <section><article><h1></h1><p></p></article></section> to: <section> <article> <h1></h1&...
0 votes
5 answers

Microsoft Word - Is it possible to create two separate lists (one bullet point, one numbered) at the same indent level?

Is this an issue with the new version of Word? I could have sworn it was possible in the past. I tried scouring the internet for solutions but haven't had any luck. MS Word - Desktop Version 1902 (...
1 vote
2 answers

Word TOC Has One Indent Larger Than The Rest

I'm having a problem with the TOC in a word document where one indent is twice as big as all the other ones. There is no extra indent in the heading which I initially thought was the problem. I have a ...
0 votes
0 answers

What setting in visual studio forces indentation on new line after the enum keyword?

What I would like is for a new line to come down to the same indentation, so that I can place my curly brackets at the same indentation as the enum keyword. What happens instead is that the next line ...
0 votes
0 answers

Microsoft Outlook for Bac Tab/Indent

In Microsoft Outlook for Mac Version 16.15 I'd like to be able to create a numbered list (starting with number 1) and after pressing enter and tab, the second line should auto indent (and become a). ...
2 votes
1 answer

Auto-indent with the same spaces and tabs as on previous line

I usually indent code files with two spaces, not the default in notepad++. That leads to the problem that if I type two indents, it gets converted to a tab, and then I have to delete it and type in ...
1 vote
2 answers

Notepad++ auto indent html code while writing

I have seen many plugins in Notepad++ for indenting html code after you write the code, but is there a plugin or other method to auto intent html while you are writing the code? Many of the other ...
2 votes
1 answer

Preserve indent space for wrapped line in Word

I like to print out my code sometimes, so I was wondering if there was a way to get Word (2007 for me) to automatically preserve the amount of tab space for the whole of a wrapped line. Interestingly,...
4 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio Code always converting to Spaces

I'm trying to get my VS code to always indent with tabs. I use a .eslintrc.json file with the rule indent: ["warn", "tab"], this works for some files. I also have a .editorconfig file with ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to force Emacs to reset indent?

I want emacs to automatically reset it's indentation level to 0 at one specific point in a file. For example: Because I have nested-nested-nested-.. namespaces, in the C++-Files I would like to not ...
6 votes
3 answers

Autoformat for Perl in Vim

I've got a piece of badly formatted Perl code: if ($a==1){ &err_report("$a"); while($b!=1){ &err_ok(); } } I want to reformat it in Vim. After using the command gg=G,...
8 votes
3 answers

How do I make vim's autoindent not drop trailing spaces?

In some text editors (e.g. Kate, gedit), when auto indent is enabled, pressing return twice will leave a trailing whitespace (which I want): if (code) { .... ....| } While others cater to the coding ...
3 votes
1 answer

eclipse indent tabs with spaces not working

I have the settings for this done correctly. However for certain cases, like when I declare or initialize an anonymous class, and eclipse puts out auto-generated code, all of that is still tab-spaced....
7 votes
1 answer

How to improve Adobe Brackets auto indentation

I'm looking for a way to auto-indent my html code using Adobe Brackets. Currently when I selected the whole code (Ctrl+A) and use the inbuilt indent option using Ctrl+], The entire text moves a tab ...
1 vote
1 answer

Notepad++: is there a way to force it to keep the autoindented-whitespace type?

I wonder if we can force notepad++ to respect the previous whitespace character when it autoindents a new line: list[CR][LF] ····item1[CR][LF] ····item2[CR][LF] --->| (notepadd++ screenshot ...
1 vote
0 answers

Have fill-region break Python code into multiple lines to stay under 80 columns in Emacs

How can I get Emacs' indent-region command to re-indent def foo(): my_favorite_object_ever = ObjectConstructor(cool_parameter=4, not_cool_parameter=5) as def foo(): my_favorite_object_ever =...
0 votes
1 answer

Automatic indentation with MacVim

How can I change the automatic indentation in MacVim? My problem is that when editing a TeX file, every time I type, for example, (, vim decides to indent the line for me. Here is a video of my ...
3 votes
2 answers

vim: remove previous code indentation and convert to another

I have a c project with multiple files (more than 100), the codes are written in Whitesmiths style, but I want to change them into K&R style indentation. Is it possible to do using vim in an ...
3 votes
2 answers

Disable automatic alignment for Python code in emacs

Right now, in emacs' python-mode line continuations are aligned to the end of the previous line, as follows: this_is_a_list_of_django_urls = ('', url(r'^admin/?', ...
1 vote
1 answer

VIM inconsistent indentation

I have the following small Specman (.e) file: (set filetype=specman) <' extend sys { a : b; !enable : bool; run() is also { message (LOW, "Hello World"); }; }; '> ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to cut and paste tabbed lines with auto indent set to on in vi

Not sure which stack exchange group this question goes so please move to the correct one if this is the wrong one. What's happening is if I highlight something with tabs/indents from one window/...
0 votes
0 answers

Vim format python using formatexpr/prg (gq) gives incorrect result

I am having trouble with Python's interaction with comments. These can be divided into two issues. I expect they're related, so I'll post them both here. Issue 1. When using gq to automatically wrap ...
1 vote
2 answers

VIM - Auto-indent lines with over length

Is there an option in VIM to auto-intend (like in Espresso) lines which are too long to be displayed in the current window so that they get an automatic line break? This is how it looks like in ...
18 votes
4 answers

Autoindentation in Sublime 2 text editor

Is there an auto indentation option in Sublime 2? In Visual Studio I can press Ctrl+K+D to indent everything so the code is structured nicely. Is there a shortcut in Sublime 2 to do the same?
0 votes
2 answers

How to change language specific plugins in vim?

I'm writing an SML program and I'm trying to change the size of indents. If I add the following to my .vimrc file set tabstop=8 set shiftwidth=8 set expandtab It is not reflected in my actual files....
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I turn off auto-completion in word processing apps?

In both Word and Open Office, these word processors try to be clever and guess where you want to indent, or automatically complete a word you've started to type. In my experience, they are wrong a ...
21 votes
2 answers

How can I indent the wrapped text in Notepad++?

How can I change Notepad++ setting so that wrapped lines gets indented automatically? Right now I have something like this: some text that wraps to next line some indented text that also wraps ...
2 votes
2 answers

Customize autoindent settings in VIMRC file

I have autoindent enabled in my .vimrc file but have run into an annoying bug/feature. For example, when I'm tabbed in 3 times, and I hit return, the new line is also tabbed in 3 times. Then when I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Notepad++ XML Auto Indent + Tag Closing

I'm migrating a question I posted on stackoverflow to here as it may be more relevant. Here is the question: I'm looking for a way to code XML (mxml, specifically) in Notepad++ such that it follows ...
4 votes
2 answers

Change <li> autoindent options in VIM

By default Vim seems to not want to indent the contents inside of <li> tags, though it autoindents properly for most other HTML tags. For example, if I start with this code: <ul> <li&...
3 votes
3 answers

How to configure backspace to delete 1 char with ts,sw,sts & et configured in vim

I have the following in my vimrc: set tabstop=8 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab set backspace=indent,eol,start set autoindent This does what I want: insert spaces only, never tab ...
4 votes
1 answer

AUCTeX and tabs

I've been tinkering for hours and I'm becoming desperate. I want tabs! I like tabs, I see no advantage in using spaces and therefore I ident with tabs (alignment is done with spaces though). But I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Word Read-Only Document - Avoid Unwanted Tab Space

I have a read-only Microsoft Word (docx) document that has (in addition to explanatory read-only text) a few editable forms. In one of these forms, there are two columns. Each column has a non-...