Questions tagged [bash]

Bash is a free shell for Unix-like operating systems from the GNU Project.

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Bash: read from socket file descriptor returns always the same data instead of blocking

I have a postgres started like this: exec 3< <(su -l postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -p '$port' -d 3 -D '$backupDir' 2>&1 & echo \$!") This redirects all logs ...
Torge's user avatar
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GRUB2 - Select OS based on time (RegExp or other method)

I'm trying to make grub2 boot to Ubuntu when in a certain hour interval and otherwise to Windows. I'm trying to do this by editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg and changing which OS is being used as default on ...
Miguel Pinheiro's user avatar
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Print sections in text file using awk and shell variables

I have a text file, materials.txt, with a large number of material definitions similar to this: *FILESTART line_a line_b line_c *MAT_PLASTIC 1 property1 property2 property3 property4 ...
Coporob's user avatar
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How to slice array of awk-output in bash?

Summary Depending on what bash or awk version I have, I get different results when I try to slice an array that holds awk output. On older versions of bash and awk the "slice operation" ( e....
gomfy's user avatar
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How can I use a serial connection as an output for a shell?

I have a serial device (/dev/ttyACM0), which is connected to the serial port of a microcontroller. The microcontroller draws text that it gets on that serial connection to a screen. I want to use that ...
Jacob Garby's user avatar
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How to change the target directory of target-csv when running tap-target script inside python? [closed]

I am trying to a script using python subprocess The script creates a csv file and a state.json file in the cwd This is the script(works fine when i run it from terminal) : #!/bin/bash export ...
Shabari nath k's user avatar
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Fuzzy finder script to search file contents while floating (i.e. in dmenu/rofi style)

I've been trying to create a script with the following functionality: I push a button in my window manager -> a fuzzy finder menu in floating mode pops up where I can type a keyword to search the ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Unable to set python environments with old interpreters

I have installed virtualenvwrapper on Arch Linux, as well as the AUR repository python38 so I can set an environment and work with TensorFlow. I have set up .bashrc as usually recommended on the docs ...
manoelpqueiroz's user avatar
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How to customize the bash prompt in a way that doesn't squash venv

I was a long time tcsh user and I have used a custom prompt, which includes the date/time, host, and a largish path. In the past, when I've used venv, I would switch to bash first, just because ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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how to do netcat in a terminal

i have a program that is like a terminal that i want always on, how do i put it in a port through netcat so when i connect to that port i can write in the terminal and when i exit, the program doesn't ...
Guack's user avatar
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xterm text wrapping and reverse command search not working properly

My set up is: Arch Linux, i3, xterm. I would be happy to provide other details as well. I have been facing this problem for quite sometime now. Here it is. When there is certain text on the window and ...
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How to collapse folders and subfolders with the same name?

I have a huge archive of files on which I've screwed up downloading from sftp and the folder structure is incorrect. The result is many cases where folders are one level deeper than they should be (...
Dan Novak's user avatar
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Copying a file while its being written to (in Linux)

I am in a year-long Twitter research project, and I collect tweets via Twitters API and Twarc. In short, this writes a new tweet as a new line to one specified file, roughly one per second at night, ...
Jan Bucher's user avatar
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Migrating from bash to zsh - where are the packages I installed?

I am new to a lot of this, so forgive me if I don't understand this 100%. I have just installed macOS Big Sur, then installed a few tools in my bash terminal (homebrew, nvm, npm + node, yarn, gatsby ...
Clementine's user avatar
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print XPath for match using xmlstarlet?

I would like to iterate over many xml files to fix outdated configuration entries by getting all matches and replacing then in a second step every entry by updated strings (multiline scripts in this ...
Heiko Robert's user avatar
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Bash script whitespace compliant

I have an huge amount of file to organize, they are a JPG files in an absurd folders structure. I need to move all files from its actual position to an organized folder structure, saving its actually ...
brambil's user avatar
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bash grep not finding all instances of gene

I have a file1 which has gene names: Appl Bsg mt:CoI mt:CoII mt:CoIII I have file2 which has all matches of those gene names in the genome: "FBgn0000108"; "Appl"; "...
mikamatvat's user avatar
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how do I find out the PID of this that I ran by typing ./x264 --threads=1 -o vidz.mkv paris_cif.y4m?

I already ran ./x264 --threads=1 -o vidz.mkv paris_cif.y4m and it encodes a video from input file paris_cif.y4m to output file vidz.mkv Now I want to know the PID of that.
Emmanuel Pena's user avatar
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Can’t boot to Windows, stuck on Grub BASH-like command line

I have installed Grub in Windows through bootcamp on a MacBook, to dual boot ChromeOS and windows . However after repairing the hard disk in MacOS disk utility grub shows the command prompt interface ...
InfinitySL's user avatar
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Match contents of file to directory and delete it

Let's say I ran a command that redirected certain files from a directory into a file. Now i want to delete those files from the directory. How would i accomplish this. I'm thinking that i would maybe ...
manhasnoname's user avatar
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iTerm2 + oh-my-bash: iTerm2 shell-integration not working

I cannot get iTerm2's shell integration work with oh-my-bash. I already tried the suggestions in the existing posts but without luck. My configuration looks as follow: iTerm2 profile General -> ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How to get output from the console and act on it without expect?

I have read in another question’s answer that if you want to use expect like this: git clone ssh://[email protected]/myproject.git expect "Enter passphrase for key..." send "myPassword\r&...
discCard's user avatar
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How to use sftp 'ls' command to find all files in subdirectories including files beginning with '.'

I need to obtain a list of files contained within subdirectories including filenames starting with '.' using the sftp ls command. For example my directory structure on the remote is: root_folder | ...
D-Dᴙum's user avatar
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How to escape slashes in bash alias name?

I want to make an alias like this: alias /sbin/init="/path/to/my/script/sh" However, when I try to source my .bashrc, it throws an error: -bash: alias: `/sbin/init': invalid alias name How ...
Andy Mac's user avatar
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putty won't close after starting script with -m option

with this script putty -ssh user@host -i C:\Users\TheUser\.ssh\id_rsa.ppk -m C:\users\TheUser\desktop\script.txt exit I tried to automate a network shutdown after a backup on the Remote NAS, ...
DerDieDasEiche's user avatar
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sed, passing capturing group value to subcommand

Consider following example: echo abc=123 | sed "s/\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=\2/" outputs abc=123 ie. the same as input. We matched everything up until symbol = as capturing group 1, and ...
Martin Mucha's user avatar
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How can I sort an email alphabetically in bash

I am trying to sort a list of emails in alphabetical order in bash to no avail The emails involve numbers and periods: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] k.slick20@...
newbieph's user avatar
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merging with format ;string;

I repost my question hoping to provide now a minimal reproducible example Is basically doing a merge of the two files with format NAME;URL;? Not exactly, string is not required to be a URL, it is ...
Super Sonic's user avatar
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Mintty terminal emulator: how to use “Image screenshot export”?

I'm programming in Bash (Git BASH) on Windows Server 2012R2. From within my bash scripts, I would like to make a Screenshot of the mintty window, I'm running in. According to ...
Irv's user avatar
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How to override a file via scp not being the owner, but preserve timestamp?

I have 2 users on a remote machine (let's call them user1 and user2, with both being in the common group upload). I want to be able to upload/override a file via scp, from different machines. Whereas ...
membersound's user avatar
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"Upload" pipe as if it were a regular file

Suppose I want to tar and compress a file for upload to Google Drive or something, but all without ever saving an intermediate tarball (e.g. because of a lack of disk space and/or the disk is read-...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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on the password prompt, the shell automatically adds a return after entering a character and displays authentication failed

logging in to an ubuntu 16.04 server via ssh. This has never happened before. The other user I asked seems unaffected by this. What could have happened? Also, when I try to enter my git credentials ...
spheroid's user avatar
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Clearing Chrome's DNS cache from the terminal

I have written a script to add websites to the hostfile at certain times of the day. For example, it can block Youtube from 8pm - 10pm. It works well, however the changes aren't reflected in Chrome. ...
DaraJ's user avatar
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Why can't I execute shell script via crontab?

I have this script ubicate in /home/documents/files, the script is for the creation of users on Linux, so it asks for some information and later creates the user. I want it to run for every ...
DDR's user avatar
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Loop record RTSP stream with VLC

I am able to save an RTSP stream to a .mp4 file using the following command: /usr/bin/vlc -vvv rtsp://stream_address --sout=file/mp4:/home/test-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").mp4 --intf dummy --...
jon_tea's user avatar
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Difference between [ tar cvf archive.tar * ] and [ tar cvf archive.tar . ]

Difference between tar cvf archive.tar * and tar cvf archive.tar .. Is there any difference in the archive produced? I couldn't find anything when I googled this.
eNV25's user avatar
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"putty --display" parameter explanation

with man putty i see: --display display-name Specify the X display on which to open putty. (Note this option has a double minus sign, even though none of the others do. This ...
Mario Palumbo's user avatar
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Can FireFox's native `view-source:` schema for ANY text file be restored?

FireFox's native view-source: schema seems to be have been crippled. Perversely, this would even render binary file URL's when prefaced with view-source:. This was very convenient for quick perusal of ...
ekim's user avatar
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what does start and end refer to in the disk managment on linux

I have started learning basic IT and Disk management on Linux for a program I am writing. I started with the parted tool and when creating a disk it requires start and end values for creating ...
Yovel's user avatar
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Sending param to bash from cmd

I want to be able to invoke the file command from within cmd. This works, but is a pain to type: bash -c "file filename.ext" This is much easier, and works as expected... DOSKEY file=bash -...
user1215114's user avatar
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I messed up a backup script and now have File1.txt/File1.txt for a lot of files. How do I delete the directory and keep the file? OS is Ubuntu

For example, I have: ~/backup/File1.txt/File1.txt But I want to have: ~/backup/File1.txt The directory File1.txt is empty except for the file File1.txt. To manually solve the problem, I've moved ...
TheAutomator's user avatar
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How to launch a subprocess with captured output, but letting the subprocess believe it isn't captured?

Imagine launching a subprocess say my_binary in these two ways (I'm using bash for simplicity, but I assume this applies for other languages on POSIX systems): #!/bin/bash # 1) inherit stdout/stderr ...
bluenote10's user avatar
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Tool written in Go works fine from terminal (in any directory) but gives "command not found" error when called from inside a script

I wrote a shell script that bundles a few networking tools together (amass, nmap etc) and they all work fine except httprobe (a tool that takes a list of domains and probes for working http and https ...
Pink Bug's user avatar
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window batch) manipulating 'for /f "usebackq" %%f in (`find "str" path`)' sentence [duplicate]

I symplified the problem here: @echo off set res= echo 'na': for /f "usebackq" %%f in (`find "na" things.txt`) do set res=%%f echo %res% pause>nul and that things.txt file ...
shiftdel's user avatar
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Bash PS1 dissappears after history browsing [duplicate]

I have been configuring my new fresh Arch installation. I just finished with my PS1 in Bash and realized about an error I do not know how to solve. This is the code: PS1='\n\[\e[30;44m \u@\h \]\[\e[34;...
aru-hackZ's user avatar
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Permission Denied While Running Script

I am attempting to run a script from the shairport-sync service with this command: run_this_after_play_ends = "/home/pi/Watson/" /home/pi/Watson/ #!/bin/bash ...
user1029329's user avatar
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Running command-line tools giving python3 bad interpreter, no such file or directory error

I have two versions of python installed on a server: /usr/local/bin/python3 (version 3.6.3) /home/ubuntu/miniconda2/bin/python (version 2.7.15) Earlier today I removed python version 3.6.3 and 3.4.0 ...
j---xyz's user avatar
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Xubuntu GUI not loading?

I just installed xubuntu-core on my amazon-ec2 server, but I can't get it to load into a UI. When I try to use sudo startx it throws an error, while sudo service lightdm start doesn't seem to do ...
John C's user avatar
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Setting Environment variable for bash/zsh completion

I am using gnu pass with bash/zsh completion. This means when I type pass a[TAB] the shell suggests which passwords I have available starting with a. I have two gnu-pass directories, when I want to ...
simao's user avatar
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Ubuntu WSL installation error

I'm trying to install the Ubuntu 18.04 WSL on Windows 10. Download (manual) seemed to go fine, and when I did Add-AppxPackage in Powershell I didn't get an error message. But when I try to do the ...
JohnB42's user avatar
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