Questions tagged [batch-rename]

This tag is about the renaming of large batches of files.

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8 votes
1 answer

Batch rename Chrome bookmarks

How do you batch rename lots of chrome bookmarks? For example, 1. "Introduction" is replaced with "Intro"? 2. "Google" is replaced with "G"?
8 votes
2 answers

How do I remove non-ASCII characters from filenames?

I have several files with names containing various Unicode characters. I'd like to rename them to only contain the "printable" ASCII characters (32-126). E.g, Läsmig.txt //Before ...
4 votes
2 answers

Batch append to end of a file name before the extension with ren command

I would like to rename all files in a folder, which have different extensions, to have their file name end with "_1" while preserving the existing extensions. I tried ren * *_1*, which just replaced ...
1 vote
1 answer

Windows rename multiple files from multiple folders having pattern

I have a folder in which there are multiple sub-folders(only one level) which has multiple files. Names have some dynamic prefix that I want to remove based on pattern in it. 1. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Script to add suffix to filename [closed]

Hi I am trying to add a suffix before the extension for all files in a folder. Is there anyway I can get a script to do this with notepad please. I cannot use any other means :-( Example files is my,...
0 votes
1 answer

How to save and rename XML file automatically based on its object name [closed]

I have a hundreds XML files but with a random file names. They named like this: Bt_01.XML Bt_02.XML Bt_03.XML Bt_04.XML But they supposed to named like this: Button_Accessories.XML Button_Menu01....
0 votes
2 answers

Batch rename multiple files by creation date [closed]

this is my first question in superuser. As you probably read in the title I would like to rename multiple files using a .bat file. I'm currently working on a project that involves books. In this case ...
0 votes
0 answers

Accidentally renamed all files on desktop in windows 10 and they also got rearranged

I accidentally renamed all files on desktop in windows 10 and after that happened they all got rearranged and aligned to the left. I don't have file history and don't have a restore point on this pc. ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do I rename the **entire** path

I need to rename (in particular not to copy nor to move) in Windows 8.1 this file path D:\Users\hynek0\1703.08094.pdf – zástupce to this path C:\Users\hynek0\1703.08094.pdf – zástupce Here, – ...
2 votes
4 answers

How to rename all the files and folders of files in a folder to have lower case names at once?

I have a folder with a bunch of textures and things that I need to rename to lower case, is there any way to rename all the files and folders of files in this folder to have lower case names at once? ...
2 votes
2 answers

Windows rename multiple images

I have a folder containing only images: 1.png 2.png ... 11000.png I want to rename these files, adding a p as follows: p1.png p2.png ... p11000.png How can I achieve this, as I've tried the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How would I unnest multiple folders in Windows programatically?

So, I have a folder structure with some downloads that goes like this (I manually edited it a bit because it contains some sensitive data, which is not relevant to the question. The extensions are ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using MV to rename image files using a script

I am trying to rename a set of Tiff images 001, 001 x, 002 , 002 x sequentially. I am looking for the script to name image 001, 002, 003 and so on This is the script I am running. num=1 # Rename ...
1 vote
2 answers

Rename Files in Folders

My goal is to create something in my Windows Server 2016 that renames all files in a folder continuously. But, I do not know a way of doing so. I have done some research about this but I only have ...
1 vote
2 answers

Recursively adding extensions to files in Windows CMD without renaming the subdirectories

I have a directory with several files that do not have a file extension. This directory also has several subdirectories that have the same thing. I am using the forfiles command to add a file ...
4 votes
3 answers

Renaming multiple folder using command line

I am trying to rename multiple folders at once, removing the first few characters of their name: I found resource around but none of the command that I have tried worked: 2 - AT5CRO5JUDBWD4RUPXSQ 4 - ...
0 votes
1 answer

Midnight Commander multi-rename with numerical values for new file names

With F6 we can multi-rename group of selected files in mc. I know, for example, how to search and replace using some regexp tokens subset in this menu. But how to proceed if I need rename a group of ...
4 votes
2 answers

Removing part of files names and giving the name of one file type to another

Suppose I have a folder with rar and pdf files for a group of people. Each person has a unique code, and he/she is associated with two files Full name <unique code>_dummy text to remove.rar and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Batch rename files to grandparent directory name

Directory structure looks like this: D:\folder0\subdir1\scan0001.tif D:\folder0\subdir2\scan0001.tif D:\folder0\subdir3\scan0001.tif D:\folder0\subdir1\RAW\raw0001.tif D:\folder0\subdir2\RAW\raw0001....
0 votes
0 answers

Renaming Parts of Multiple Folders

I have a large number of folders that contain the video regions on the folders which I would like to remove. For instance, some are PAL such as /Folder1 [PAL] Some are NTSC such as /Folder2 [NTSC] ...
0 votes
2 answers

Rename only the first part of a list of files (Windows 8.1 via cmd or Git Bash)

I need to rename a batch of files (in W8.1 using cmd or Git Bash terminal) from: "Cymatics - Oracle 808 1 - C.wav" "Cymatics - Oracle 808 2 - C#.wav" "Cymatics - Oracle 808 3 - D.wav" "Cymatics - ...
2 votes
3 answers

Windows 10 Batch file to change directory names and move directories

I have fifty directories, in pairs, with names such as: ABC123-aaa-X0001 ABC123-bbb-X0001 XYZ456-aaa-X0001 XYZ456-bbb-X0001 SDF543-aaa-X0001 SDF543-bbb-X0001 I want to remove all the "-...
2 votes
6 answers

How to rename files - Remove the name and keep the number

I need to rename a lot of files that contain a name and a badge number. The files look like this: "John Doe 1234.txt" and I must rename it to 1234.txt (new file must contain only badge number). ...
1 vote
1 answer

ffmpeg file integrity check and rename on error with a batch file

I've found the code to check a file for errors and it creates a log file with the contents. Is there a way to alter it and rename a file that has errors but not the ones without? @echo off set "...
1 vote
5 answers

Using PDF MetaData to rename PDFs in MAC OS X

I have a number of PDFs that I downloaded from JStor. They come with unhelpful numeric filenames, but often there is at least a title if not the author in the metadata. How do I batch rename a number ...
1 vote
1 answer

How command Bulk Rename Utility to disregard case when removing characters or words?

I see nothing in red box for case matching or sensitive! I want it remove bunch characters or words regardless of upper or lower case!
2 votes
1 answer

Name files after the folders which contain them

I have folders that have specific names. Each of these folders contains a file named preview.png Is it possible to name the preview.png exactly after the folder which contains it? So that in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to change multiple filenames preserving variable part of the name in linux terminal

I have thousands of filenames with this regular expression: (sp|li)_(test|train|val)_(loss|acc)_((1e-\d+)|(0[.]0{0,4}1))_curious_\d+_plasticity[.]npy Examples of it are: li_test_acc_0....
2 votes
1 answer

Using Windows Search for files containing "space"?

I'm very sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, I've been searching for this answer for two days now, and my head hurts so bad. I had an old backup of my games directory made by Windows 7 a few ...
1 vote
2 answers

Powershell Renaming All Files in Folder with Counter

I am writing a script that will rename all files in a folder to a given name (param) with in increasing counter. I want the counter to print with 3 digits (001, 002, etc). My code looks like it would ...
12 votes
4 answers

Can I rename files in a directory with Vim?

If I open a directory in vim using vim . I will get a file-browser-type interface of the current directory. From there I am expected to browse to a file, and then start editing it. I want to use ...
0 votes
2 answers

batch file ren command Self destruct

sorry for the noob question, but i'm a beginner. I have a .bat that turns all of the folders containment's to a .jpeg using a wiled card because the containment's are empty extensions @echo off ren ...
1 vote
1 answer

Batch renaming filenames to remove part after last " - " ignoring extension

I'd like to batch rename files in a certain folder, removing the part after the last -, in the following way. hello world - Mr Sheep to hello world super user - question on super user.docx to super ...
1 vote
2 answers

Renaming files by their folder's folder name on linux

I am a marker and I have a whole lot of coursework files given to me in a folder with a structure like this: student number --> coursework1 --> coursework.thy Each student has one folder named ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to batch-rename files in multiple folders

I run windows 10, and want to rename a single file a.jpg to b.jpg in many folders. Is possible?
0 votes
2 answers

Rename file and encapsulte last X number of charactors, before the extension, in square brackets

I've been using youtube-dl to download an entire youtuber's channel for archival purposes. I had been using the default naming pattern for naming the videos which uses the video's title, then a hyphen,...
5 votes
4 answers

add "text" to end of multiple filenames

Using the code below I add text to end of file names which are: 1.mp3 2.mp3 and should be: 1text.mp3 2text.mp3 but it changed to: 1.mp3text 2.mp3text Code: @ECHO ON FOR %%A IN ("C:\Users\...
0 votes
2 answers

Rename with a "/" in the name

I am trying to change a @ in the name to / for multiple files using cmd's ren command but couldn't as "/" is an identifier. None of the below worked... 1. ren TODAY@WEEK TODAY/WEEK 2. ren TODAY@WEEK "...
0 votes
1 answer

Add leading zeros to the middle of non-sequential filenames

I've got over 1200 files (inside subfolders) which I have to rename by adding leading zeros to the middle of the file name. I want to do this because the program I load them into doesn't know that "10"...
1 vote
1 answer

Rename all .htaccess Files

I am moving many directories to Nextcloud which does not allow to upload .htaccess Files. Therefore I need to rename them to "DOT.htaccess". Is there an elegant and easy way to do that with the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Changing the sequence numbers of files in Linux

Is it possible to write a script to rename a series of file as below: sol-temp_0010.png to sol-temp_1.png sol-temp_0015.png to sol-temp_2.png sol-temp_0020.png to sol-temp_3.png etc.?
0 votes
2 answers

rename files with sed (rearanging filenames)

I have a bunch of files named like some_random_str1 - Lecture X of Y some_random_str2.mp4 I would like to change these names to Lecture X of Y - some_random_str1 some_random_str2.mp4 only ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I remove duplicate files in a folder in windows? [duplicate]

Suppose I have two files with same name but different file sizes. Each file has two copies. One with size x. and its copy with size y. where x>y There are two copies of each file. One with x MB. And ...
1 vote
1 answer

bulk renaming sets of image files

We use a 6-camera insect imaging setup described here: Part of our workflow involves renaming the image files so they can be imported into our database. We currently do this ...
0 votes
1 answer

Copy and rename multiple files in one step by txt list

I have list of files what I have to rename. There is no sequence or pattern in renaming therefore I use a .txt files to do it. I can rename and copy files in separate step but I would like to combine ...
2 votes
1 answer

Rewrite the first three characters of *.ext file names in a folder with a set of letters

How to rewrite the first 3 letters of file name Using set alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 to randomise characters Targeting all files of a particular extension in a folder *.ext ...
1 vote
2 answers

Batch script to remove # from a file name (only in a specific directory)

I'm looking for a script to remove the # character out of any file names in a specific directory (PDF documents). I've been looking at some similar examples, but it's all a bit confusing!
3 votes
1 answer

Building a DOS batch script to rename files

I'm currently stuck on an issue with a DOS batch script I’ve been working on, and I need help renaming the files. Here is the renaming scheme I’m searching for: Original filenames ...
0 votes
1 answer

Batch rename files using correspondent values

I have a folder full of files, with names composed of 7 digits number. For each of these numbers, I have a correspondent name, saved in an excel file, separated into two columns. Usually, I check line ...
1 vote
1 answer

how can i use advanced renamer to add modified date to the maximum lenght of the files names?

here is the command that describes what i want to do <Name><max space possible><Year Modified><Month Modified><Day Modified> so the Modified date won't show up unless i ...

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