Questions tagged [busybox]

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3 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu install boots into BusyBox

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a wiped drive and for some reason when i choose the install option, it goes to the BusyBox built in shell. Can anyone tell me why it would do that and how to get to the ...
The.Anti.9's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Adding a C compiler to BusyBox

I recently started using BusyBox to do simple tasks, but now I need gcc, tcc or any C compiler on it. I heard about adding an applet, but I don't know how to do it. I have gcc source, BusyBox source, ...
user274486's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set up git in NAS Server (git, ssh, busybox)

I'm trying to set up git using my Synology DS212J NAS Server. I've been following these instructions: But I am very much a beginner with ...
Jay's user avatar
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0 votes
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ubuntu boots into busybox tried one of the following but didn't work

right before it boots into busybox i caught this error error: failure reading sector 0xbffc from hd0 I tried one of your suggestions i typed root=/dev/sda1 but it still boots into busybox I tried ...
RKC's user avatar
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