Questions tagged [c#]

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Visual Studio 2022 how to add IConfiguration (appsettings.json) into IntelliSense for autocomplete

I'm looking to see if there's a way within Visual Studio 2022 to get IntelliSense to be able to access all of the options within my appsettings.json if the object type is an IConfiguration type. I'm ...
TechLoom's user avatar
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C# Monitoring changes in folders [migrated]

FileSystemWatcher Class Hello, I need some help with one challenge I need to create an app what are tracking any changes in folders, and I found this article 1 on Microsoft and I tried to perform this ...
Nick S's user avatar
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Unable to accept android Licenses for debugging and compiling .NET MAUI

I have tried everything I could. Even the non-recomendable option of starting code as superuser and changing through chmod all the permissions at /opt/android-sdk folder. I also followed the ...
DaniWein's user avatar
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Block Excel new instance to merge with other Excel instance

By default, when we open 2 Excel files, the second one will merge the process with the first one: excel.exe file1, excel.exe file2 We can use /x to open the second Excel file without merge: excel.exe ...
Thiago Novaes Borges da Cunha's user avatar
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Performance difference under Windows Server with two identical applications

I have two dedicated servers running Windows Server 2016. Both are for shared hosting of websites (developed in ASP NET MVC / Framework 4.8 and hosted via IIS). All the websites run correctly on the ...
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Black screen with "System.String[]" and "OK" on Windows login

I've recently encountered a baffling phenomenon. From the Windows lock screen, pressing any key or mouse click normally brings up the password entry prompt. Instead, it shows a black screen with the ...
ETL's user avatar
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iperf3 design GUI

I am designing GUI for iperf3.exe. When I run iperf3.exe, the text box appears after it finishes the process. I want to read output while doing the process. I try async method and task but all the ...
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Why can my computer still be able to ping other network card addresses except when the network cable is unplugged?

my IP address =, and the sever ip address is my question is After unplugging the end network cable, it can still be pinged. Only after the network config-uration is disabled, ...
BlueForward's user avatar
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How do you set the target and not the target path of a .lnk file programmatically with powershell or c++?

How do you set the target and NOT the targetPath of a .lnk file ? I can't find any .dll I can use in powershell or c#. Most people might try and tell to use wshshell to set the .targetpath of the .lnk ...
Dana M's user avatar
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How to simulate printer with two trays in Windows

I am developing an application to print PDF files on two different types of paper, namely red and blue paper, using tray1 and tray2, respectively. As I am still in the trial-and-error phase of ...
Mironline's user avatar
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How to extract all the frames from video file instead only one frame?

I tried this parameters: "-r 1 -i" + ts + " -r 1" + _infilepath+"\"$filename%03d.png" but it does nothing it's not extracting any frames in the output window: ...
Daniel Lip's user avatar
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Cannot publish an ASP. Net application using Visual Studio as I cannot find password in website summary page on

I am trying to publish an ASP.Net web application using Visual Studio. While I am trying to publish using Visual Studio, VS is asking user id, password, and other details. I can find other details on ...
Junaid Pathan's user avatar
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Using my computer as MySQL database and access with Xamarin.forms app

I have developed an app from Xamarin. forms (C#) and I want to use my own computer to host a MySQL database. I have forwarded my port on my router as well but the database can only be accessed when my ...
Khem17's user avatar
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DiskPart executing only part of script withour giving any error?

I'm creating DiskPart script in C#. It's saved in TXT file with ASCII encoding set. I need to create 3 partitions: EFI, MSR and Primary one. Script is intended to prepare disk for WIM image deployment....
Krzysztof Krzysztof's user avatar
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Get a list of supported GPU engine types

I am trying to pull GPU metrics off WMI/ Powershell From my research I gathered that the GPU usage is segregated into different "Engine Types" (
user-x's user avatar
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Failed to create component ReportViewer

I'm using .NET Framework 6.0 and I need to make report, I have installed Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.Winforms but I have yellow mark (warning) next to him, error what I get when I ...
some_dev's user avatar
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Copying data from the child window of exe file in Windows

I have an app like this one. I cannot CTRL+C or right click to copy data from DataTable. Does anyone know how to copy all the data from the child window?
Misko Mali's user avatar
-1 votes
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Code lens disappeared in VS Code after 3 year. How can i get it back?

Didn't change anything started up pc 2 days ago. Opened vs code and for some reason, I'm not getting code lense anymore. I tried a lot from turning it first on and of, restarting pc, Updating vs code, ...
Dylan's user avatar
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How to install and use a project template using dotnet CLI

I recently made a reddit post in which I was asking about how to disable implicit usings in Visual Studio 2022. From that post I understood a couple of things: This can only be done per project basis ...
user32882's user avatar
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How do I disable "GroupBy" for searches via registry in Windows?

I'm building a tool to override the worst decisions Microsoft made for Windows which includes all things "group by". Thanks to a previous question, I have the registry arrangement used for ...
not_a_generic_user's user avatar
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Attach to running process in windows

I am working with application A, which I launch in the terminal. Before Process A finishes to run, it launches process B on a separate terminal. From this post:
Aibek's user avatar
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How to know if a computer is being used remotely

Is there a way to know that a computer (win10) is currently being controlled remotely? (via RDP) -And if so, can I know the user-name connected to it? I have several computers that me and my coworkers ...
alws34's user avatar
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Enable Windows Defender Tamper Protection using PowerShell or C#

I understand completely that it's not possible to disable tamper protection programmatically, as this would defeat the point. Though, seeing as it's possible with an InTune or Endpoint license, then ...
Arbiter's user avatar
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How can I intercept the content's of a window's spool file?

I have files being printed from a client's computer and would like to intercept and archive the printed file as text or pdf. The client will most likely be using a specific software to print and I do ...
Daniel Quomsieh's user avatar
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Need help on possible causes of FTP client timeout

My company is hosting a FTP server through Windows IIS. We have a client program (Windows Form program written in C# programming language) which is installed on our client's server for downloading ...
L.C. Tan's user avatar
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Automate Windows Hello PIN setup

I am investigating the feasibility of deploying Windows Hello in a busy work environment. The area contains 40+ shared PCs, with 200+ roaming users. Also, a subset of the users are replaced regularly (...
Prio's user avatar
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3 answers

Connect a socket to another PC in same NAT

Hey I've got two machines on the same network. They get their IP info back from an external webserver. Same IP due to NAT but different ports locally. Hmm that's weird.. they can't socket up or even ...
Andy's user avatar
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Net User information VS Get-ADUser

Very generic question regarding different output for Net User, and Get-ADUser. What is really going on "under the hood" when I run each command? I bring this up only due to getting different ...
Abraham Zinala's user avatar
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Application crashes with error could not create ssl/tls secure channel

I contacted the customer care and this is what they have to say - kindly make sure that the SSL certificate used for the SMTP service offered by the Microsoft Exchange Server is not expired and the ...
Vijit Agrawal's user avatar
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C# Math.POW and Manually calculating are coming out with completely different answers... Can anyone tell me why? [closed]

Forgive me if this is already on here somewhere but I couldn't find it. SO, I am doing a simple calculation. double radius = 2.50; //double pi = Math.PI; //double areaOfCircle; double radSquared = ...
TechSlugz's user avatar
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Attack on a Linux file server | What is the damage of this file contents?

TCP Networking This file was uploaded using a loophole in a file uploading network program I was writing. The ability to access the server itself was too simple and the techniques I used resulted in ...
DaFuze's user avatar
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developing a CLI C# application without installing 16GB of Visual Studio?

I'm trying to develop a simple C# to test some interoperability stuff and to that end I'm trying to install Visual Studio Community 2019. To that end the only two options I have selected are as ...
neubert's user avatar
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The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required

I'm attempting to send email using G Suite's SMTP relay service. Using C#, my code snippet looks like this: string message = "<em>It's great to use HTML in mail!!</em>" var ...
sapbucket's user avatar
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System.UnauthorizedAccessException with VSCode 1.48.1 and C# exception

Running the latest Visual Studio Code (v1.48.1 at the time of posting this) with C# Extension, I'm seeing this errors: Razor.VSCode version 6.0.0-alpha.1.20418.9 ... [Error - 4:20:16 PM] Server ...
noseratio's user avatar
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Better Windows mouse sensitivity multiplier control?

(I know this question has been posted before; I reposted a more detailed explanation on the situation because the previous question isn't answered and has over 6k views.) The mouse speed Windows ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sandboxing a program under windows

I was searching on internet for an easy way of sandboxing an application under windows. Apparently there isn't an easy way of doing it in a comnplete way. I did find an application on github that does ...
maugch's user avatar
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Ctrl + V paste UTF-8 string from Clipboard to MS WORD result in ??? characters

I've develop application on Windows form [C#], then copy text using System.Windows.Form.Clipboard.SetText("โปรแกรม Microsoft Word ใช้งานได้"); After sending keybd_event "Ctrl+V" [...
Shinoyakame's user avatar
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Error "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded"

I have a trouble when run win 10 "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded" I tried the way, but not working And now, My PC just working in command promt ...
Lê Cường's user avatar
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What is the OpenSSL equivalent of this given C# hashing code?

I've got C# server code which verifies a hash using the following logic. I have no control over the server code and cannot change it. string key = "xZBn34L4myg[...]cebvr7A=="; var hmacSha256 = new ...
Krumelur's user avatar
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How to install .Net v4x framework in Windows 10 when v4 installation is blocked?

OS: Windows 10 64 bit 10.0 Build 18363 After recent windows update .NET v4 frame work using software's stopped working. While trying to install the v4.8 or 4.7.2 .NET framework Getting the message ...
Mcore8x's user avatar
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How to uninstall/install the nic card, network properties protocol using powershell command or windows command line?

I need to uninstall/install the protocol list in the nic card network properties list through command or code. I tried the below command it's list the network properties list only. Get-...
Saravanakumar Natarajan's user avatar
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Allow only two instances of a character using RegEx

I am new to using regular expressions and I am trying to figure out something that would seem to be pretty easy. I would like to identify if a character exists only twice within a string. The ...
Dave's user avatar
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update assembly version on git commit in Visual Studio

I am facing a nightmate of keeping track of not one, but 5 applications that regularly update and work together in tandem. On each update, I must manually update AssemblyInfo.cs file with ...
Robert Segdewick's user avatar
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Udp packages bigger than 1472 are not being received

I have a c# client app. It sends data to my server using UDP. However, this stops working after I upgrade to Windows 2019 Server. the reason it stopped working is contained in this link: https://...
Andrew Simpson's user avatar
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Disable playback/recording device programmatically (cmd, c#) Windows

I am trying to disable the microphone from cmd or c#. I tried to use devcon.exe, but it disables the device in Device Manager but not in the sound properties. I tried to write to the registry: reg ...
Chris's user avatar
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Jenkins with .net core, angular 8 and postgre

My question is related with automation. In our project we are using BackEnd- .Net Core 2.2 (right now in localhost but will be dockerize) FrontEnd- Angular 8 (right now in localhost but will be ...
Arzu Suleymanov's user avatar
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Omnisharp not working on Manjaro Linux

today I've installed .NET Core 3.0 on my newly setup Manjaro system but I get an error everytime I want to open a Project with VS Code. The following is the output of "dotnet --info": .NET Core SDK ...
Lukas Köhler's user avatar
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My exe file is autoclosing after start

I wrote application in c# and when I try to open it on VM (vmware 15.1) in task manager i can see that it starts, then changes status to stopped and then autoclosed. I need to add that when I try to ...
Snochacz's user avatar
3 votes
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Edit and continue not working for core 3.0 with VS 2019 (C#)

I have VS 2017 latest Community edition installed on my machine. I was able to edit any class file and razor pages (cshtml) of my ASP.Net Core web application while debugging. I installed VS 2019 ...
Jay's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2019 show errors on source files which are building properly

I have Visual Studio 2019 Installed and I noticed that I receive build errors in csx files are opened. However the solution does build successfully but when I got to the file I see a lot of red lines. ...
devz's user avatar
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