Questions tagged [certutil]

Certutil.exe is a command-line program that is installed as part of Certificate Services. You can use Certutil.exe to dump and display certification authority (CA) configuration information, configure Certificate Services, backup and restore CA components, and verify certificates, key pairs, and certificate chains.

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Using CertUtil MergePfx with password as a parameter

I'm trying to script generation of a single pfx certificate, from one key and one pem file. The following command in Powershell will generate a .pfx as expected: CertUtil -MergePFX $srcPemPath $...
Ian Ferguson's user avatar
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Is it possible to encode a file with certutil without creating new file?

I'm encoding files with following command: certutil -encode inputFileName encodedOutputFileName However, this creates a new file on the system. Is it possible to print encoded data on command line ...
kalsanam99's user avatar
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Availbility of certutil on different Windows versions

I am a bit confused about certutil.exe. I have read the information in the link Server 2012/Windows 8 certutil documentation: Certutil.exe is a command-line program that is installed as part of ...
Pham Hung's user avatar
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certmgr.exe does not work expectedly in command line mode?

I'm trying to run the MSDN's sample about WCF basic message security using Certificate. In the setup.bat file, there is this line of command: certmgr.exe -add -r LocalMachine -s My -c -n %SERVER_NAME%...
Hopeless's user avatar
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Removing one of two certificates with equal nicknames

I have two certificates installed: kirrun@kirNote ~ [1197]% certutil -d sql:/home/kirrun/.pki/nssdb -L Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes ...
kirelagin's user avatar
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How to use certutil.exe -MergePFX without a password?

I'm automating a process and have that constraint that I can only use Windows Server (2012 is the base, but I'm not sure if a 2008 will show up somewhere) native tools. I need to get a key pair (...
Tonon's user avatar
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Windows certutil exports with empty password but openssl pkcs12 fails

Here are the commands I follow to create a certificate and accept it usin Windows Server's CA Server. certreq -new -f -q $answerFile.FullName $requestFile.FullName certreq -submit -f -q -config $...
Daviid's user avatar
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Unable to decrypt EFS files after changing user credentials in Win 10

I had encrypted some files and folders in my local user account in Windows 10. I changed the username and password of that local user account and also the administrator account. After that, I was ...
samreese's user avatar
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Certutil intended purposes

On some systems where we're deploying our software, we're told that it is missing a certificate that necessary to verify our code is correctly signed. I'd like to add this certificate in our (nsis) ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
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Disabling Certutil

I am wondering what are the consequences of disabling certutil.exe on windows systems. It seems that this option isn't event considered in the documentation or forums. Can someone please elaborate ...
Karma2402's user avatar
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CertUtil | How CertUtil -verifykeys works internally?

I have a CA certificate in Local Machine Certificate Store. When I run this command - enter code here certutil -verifyKeys gives Key "KEYNAME" verifies as the public key for Certificate "KEYNAME" ...
User1234's user avatar
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User Certificate's show "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption." in Windows

Have a number of computers where user certificates suddenly stop working. Running certutil -silent -user -store my shows that all user certificates for the affected user have stopped working. my ...
Malcolm McCaffery's user avatar
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How to extract "Issued To" with "certutil -store -my"?

I am trying to script a report on certificate usage for a specific app, and those certs are all part of the output of "certutil -store -my" (Web Server 2008 R2). However the "issued-to" field is not ...
tstockma's user avatar
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Self-Signed certificate for LDAP on Sun Directory Server

I am wondering if some one could provide me with steps to self-signed certificate using certutil. I want the cert for Sun Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6.
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