Questions tagged [charts]

Graphs, charts and other graphical methods for showing data and their relationships.

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6 votes
4 answers

Start Excel histogram X-Axis at 0

I'm charting the frequency of a range of numbers in a histogram in Excel 365. The numbers range from 236 to 1736 and I've got the bins at 250. Excel is automatically starting the histogram bins at the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to make a grouped stacked chart in Excel? (see picture)

How do I make a chart like the one below here?
0 votes
1 answer

What is the quickest way to create a scatter plot per row in a table?

I have a table with a list of customer spending per month. I want to create a scatter chart for each customer (row) to show the trend over time. Currently I can only see that I can do it one-by-one. ...
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0 answers

microsoft excel scatter chart does not display data

I am trying to create a sctter chart in MS Excel 2013. I insert the chart, then I click "select data". (I know I'm doing this backwards from the way it is usually explained, but I need to do it this ...
1 vote
1 answer

With a Pivot Chart, how can I avoid plotting missing data?

Please see my problem illustrated here: I have received forecasting information from a customer, telling us roughly what they intend to order from us in a given month. The column months are the "...
0 votes
1 answer

Removing individual datapoints from a scatter plot

I'm trying to remove anomalous data points in an excel scatter plot. I currently have this. To me it's clear that there's a somewhat linear relationship in the red region, and several anomalous points ...
2 votes
2 answers

How do I set one to many relationships in lucid chart?

I have connected two shapes with a line in lucid chart. How do I show that it is one to many? Visio allows you to do this.
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1 answer

How to have two different units on an axis in microsoft excel?

I am trying to create a graph that has my company's cash position all time, but go by month from the beginning up until the end of 2020. Then starting in 2021 I want it go be graphed by every day, ...
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1 answer

Create multicategory timeline chart in Excel

I'd like to create an Excel chart showing on the x axis the dates from 1943 to 2021 and on the y axis the relevant category which follows a specific timeframe. I.e. from 1/1/1943 to 18/01/1943 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Excel bar graph with error bar

At this point I feel kind of stupid for asking, because I should probably be able to do this. I want to create a graph like seen on the first image below, with each task having its own label on the x-...
0 votes
0 answers

Excel scatter chart: go from marker to data point cell

I need to be able to go from marker on a scatter chart to the cell of the data point of this marker. Is there any way to do that? I see I can get to display data point values in a tooltip if I hover ...
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1 answer

How do you fill in the area under a data series in a line chart in LibreOffice Calc?

There is a line chart in an Excel spreadsheet that I'm trying to replicate in a native ODS spreadsheet. The chart has lines from multiple data series, and one of those lines has the area underneath it ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I convert this into a pie chart in Excel?

I have some data: How do I for example display a bar chart or pie chart of the workbook-languages are listed? 43 is once 6 is twice 3 is once etc. The actual descriptions for these numbers (the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Excel charts, moving horizontal axis

I'm asking for help with an Excel charting problem concerning the horizontal axis. In this example, you can see that I've set labels to "Low," so they appear along the bottom. But the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Dynamic Charts In Excel

Is it possible to add a new series to a chart when adding a new column to a table? For example, I have the following chart: Pulling data from this table: If if I add a new column to the table, for ...
0 votes
0 answers

Plotting country outlines in Excel map charts

I've plotted a map chart in Excel of UK counties that looks like this: What I want is to be able to have an outline of the whole of the country, instead of lots of whitespace for where there is no ...
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1 answer

How do I add vertical errors bars (vertical lines) to a chart in Excel? The "vertical error bar" option is missing

I created a simple line chart in Excel 365, and I'm trying to add a vertical line to the chart at a specified date. I created the chart as a combo line chart (for the data) and a scatter plot with a ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create a Line Chart with a scaled X Axis and Dummy Variables

I'm intending on creating a line chart with three Lines. The Final X axis will display the Values shown in column Time Period. But I am using the column Days as a dummy variable to get the axis spaced ...
0 votes
1 answer

Single series of data on an excel chart (line) is reversing its order

I am creating a simple line chart in excel, using 4 data series against date (in the form of YYYY). Three of these series are financial, and displayed against the primary axis. One is non-financial, ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot insert charts into PowerPoint 2013

I cannot insert charts into PowerPoint 2013. Each time I wish to, once I have selected the desired chart type and click 'OK', it simply blinks (exits and reopens). It then returns me to the same ...
0 votes
1 answer

how to add percentages to a simple bar chart in excel. Data is a series of strings in cells, I want bar chart to show percentages rather than count

I have been trying for hours to find a solution to this, but have not been able to. Let's say I have this simple column in excel (a series of strings): Now, what I want is a simple bar chart out of ...
2 votes
0 answers

Unable to change Minimum & Maximum on Excel chart axis

Sometimes when I'm making a graph in Excel, the program won't let me change the minimum or maximum on the axis. If I try to change the number, then the entire number disappears and I can't input a ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to update a chart in Word dynamically with a form

I have a dynamic chart inside a word document. I inserted an Excel workbook via the Insert -> Tables -> Excel (not sure about the exact english text) rather than just inserting a chart. My ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create a scatter excel graph with y-axis above and above and below x-axis

I am trying to create an excel scatter plot/line graph that shows y-axis values above and below the x-axis. I am trying to recreate the graph in the link below for the data I have. I have tried ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to show first data in a series in a line chart?

I have a line chart with years and months. In my newest line (2021) I have just 1 column of data in the series. In this case Excel doesn't show anything. jan feb mar 2019 5 5 6 2020 7 8 9 2021 9 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Labels in X-axis based on primary Y-axis

I have an Excel scatter plot with two Y-axises (primary/secondary) and a common X-axis. Everything looks fine, except I want the labels in the X-axis to be based on the primary Y-axis. I want the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to show different type of legend below specific columns under X axis on stacked bar chart

I have drawn a stacked column chart in Google sheet. I want to put different legends below specific columns as secondary label under the x-axis; here is my spradesheet link:
0 votes
1 answer

Irregular label on Excel chart

I have an Excel chart with months on its x-axis. The first date is December 2016 and the last date is November 2020. I need these two dates to be seen, but I can't have all the labels being seen (it's ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I plot a point on a line of best fit?

I have a line of best fit graph on excel, and I want to plot points on it with 3 new data entries that only have Y axis values - and I'll get X axis values from the line of best fit. How can I do this?...
0 votes
0 answers

creating a excel chart that groups months by quarter

I have a table that contains the last 12 months of sales data like this +-------------+------------+-------------+ | December-19 | January-20 | February-20 | and so on +-------------+------------+-----...
1 vote
1 answer

Variable number of decimal places in Excel Graph

My Y-axis in Excel on a log scale currently shows values from 0.0001 to 1000.0000. I wish to edit the number of decimal places so those below zero are decimals yet those above are whole numbers. So ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to reverse Excel legend order?

I have an Excel graph (a stacked bar chart) where years are on the x-axis. The problem is that the order of the legend labels doesn't fit with the order of the values in the bars as shown in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to graph timeseries data with multiple groups

I apologize if this is easier than it looks. I have pretty much zero experience making charts in Excel. However, I'm having a hard time finding information or knowing what to look for. I have time ...
0 votes
1 answer

Chart with amount of rows in each month grouped by year

I have the following snippet of a table: Name | Date of Aquisition Foo | 02/11/2019 Bar | 02/12/2019 Xyz | 13/11/2020 ... I have to create a line chart, with a line for each year that is present of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Excel: making a chart with non-evenly spaced years on the x-axis

I have data in Excel that looks like this: Year 1857 1869 1880 1890... Population 1970 2328 2556 3171... As you can see, the years aren't equally spaced, and I want ...
1 vote
1 answer

Font size on Excel charts different on different PC

I have two PCs which both can access an Excel spreadsheet (on OneDrive). Both PCs have font scaling set to 100%. But when I format a chart on one PC with reasonable size fonts, on the other PC text ...
0 votes
1 answer

Excel: Why does my line chart look like a column chart?

In Excel 2019, I want to create a line chart, but the series have vertical bars: Under chart elements, error bars, trendline, and up/down bars are all turned off: Under Format Data Series > Fill &...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I plot a point off the x axis scale on Microsoft Excel?

As an example, I have the following data (missing values and one that deviates from the 0-100 scale) that I'd like to plot as a line graph. I'd like the x-axis scale to read 0-100 in 10 increments of ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to change the available color palettes in MS Excel's "Chart Styles"

When you make a chart in Excel 2011 and greater, there are a few options for setting the default color palette. Is there a way to add new color palette options or modify one of the existing palettes? ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why is X-axis not scaling to the data?

(Novice and almost entirely self-taught, but can't seem to find anything here that addresses my issue) I am adding a chart to a spreadsheet that tracks outstanding tasks for each day by type. I am ...
2 votes
1 answer

Libreoffice: Generate same figure with data in another sheet

I have several sheets with data (corresponding to different years) arranged in the exact same way. I have created figures on sheet 1. Is there a way to have the same figures generated with the data in ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I divide a drawing into a unequal size blocks using Paint.NET?

I have a magnificent set of hand drawn rune cards that I wish to scan into a runic encyclopedia of some sort. Each card is 100mm x 80mm, so I could fit 6 per A4 page to scan them. After a little edit, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Merging every 4 cells and adding the data for Electricity Bill

I downloaded some data from my electricity bill that is organized in 15 minute increments. There's way too many data points, so I'm looking to find a way to merge down this data to show usage in 1 ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to highlight data in an Excel table/graph based on previous values?

Is there a way in Excel to highlight data based on a condition on the previous values? To be more precise, would there be a way to tell Excel: "Higlight this cell c if the value of the preceding ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why can't I show every graduation of the x axis of a graph?

I'm currently trying to make a graph on Excel based on a specific dataset. The dataset is formatted in a way that I have never encountered before and I think it's the reason why I don't figure how to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Label Position Appears to have gone AWOL

Hi, Does anyone know if Label Position has been removed from Excel 2019? Just changed over to 2019 and "Label Position" appears to be missing from Format Data Label options. Thanks in advance for your ...
0 votes
2 answers

Plotting panel data with Excel

I have three columns: id, year, data. How can I simply plot in Excel the time series of the values in data (i.e. data on the Y-axis and year on the X-axis), for each id? So for instance, if I have ...
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1 answer

Excel Copying Sheet Lose Chart and Data Table Format When Source File is Closed

I am copying a worksheet from one workbook to another which contains a combo chart (histogram on top, data table on the bottom). The numbers are formatted as percentage (i.e. like "90.20%") ...
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1 answer

Excel chart to show multiple dates for each project

here is the scenario: Row1 in Excel: Project A: Task A Jan-20; Task B Mar-20; Task C Apr-20 || Row2 in Excel: Project B: Task A Feb-20; Task B Mar-20; Task C Apr-20 || Row3 in Excel: Project C: Task A ...
0 votes
1 answer

Scatter Chart with lots of data - Help needed in structuring the input

I am looking for your help. If you look at this image below, you see that I have a Scatter Chart with Lines with 4 series. Each of the data in each series is different. But in summary it has (a) Key ...

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