Questions tagged [cocoa]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Issues installing .pkg file on OS X

I'm having a real hard time installing an app I made for Mac. I created the package with Xcode 4.6.1 on OS X 10.8. I can run the .pkg fine on 10.8. The deployment target was set to OS X 10.7. However, ...
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How to make my Mac screen a mirror of iPhone using AirPlay

I'm new to AirPlay. I want to find a good tutorial to learn about Airplay and its APIs and how I can use it for sharing my iPhone screen on my Mac device. What I learned: iPhone 4S+ will support ...
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Switch between Tabs with Applescript

I have a cocoa-applescript application whose GUI interface has 3 tabs.The identifiers for these 3 tabs are "item 1" "item 2" and "item 3" respectively. Tab1 is the default tab with a form on it. Tab ...
smokinguns's user avatar
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How do I download C++ IDE for mac?

I have a mac High Sierra, version 10.13.6. I want to install c++ IDE Eclipse on my mac, am I able to download the software for mac cocoa? Does my mac run on mac cocoa? How do I find out?
user1133079's user avatar
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MAC Application hangs after some time

I am working on a MAC (Cocoa) application. It is a time tracking tool. It works fine for some time, but after 40 minutes the app gets slow, timer value not changes, UI responds very late. If i try to ...
york's user avatar
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Hide Dashboard in Lion 10.7

In 10.7.2 lion, i can hide widgets by typing in the command - defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES killall Dock But the above does not seem to be working on 10.7. Any idea ...
Prashant's user avatar
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