Questions tagged [colors]

Questions about changing the colors of things (usually themes).

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0 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Word 2007: How do I change the default (automatic) border colour?

I have "In Line with Text" images with borders in my document, but the only way to add those borders is through the Paragraph > Borders and Shading option, rather than through the Picture ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to temporarily remap colors on laptop display

My laptop is infected with the famous green-pink screen problem. I am looking for a way to temporarily remap colors on the screen so that I could use it in the meantime before sending it off to get it ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to make color (red) look like different color (blue) on windows 10 monitor

I have an Nvidia graphics card. I'm wondering how I would go on changing the color red to blue on my windows 10 monitor. The best way I could draw a comparison to what I'm trying to do is like how you ...
0 votes
2 answers

Windows Change Specific Console Color While Program is Running

Is there a command I can run to change a single color in the command line to a different one, during runtime? For example, I can change a color by right clicking on cmd.exe, going into the color tab ...
1 vote
0 answers

Two laptops of the same model with two totally different displays?

QUESTIONS Why do these two displays look so different? Does this have to do with a Windows setting, or are these actually two different displays installed on the same model of laptop (with no warning ...
72 votes
5 answers

What colour is the dark green on 'old fashioned' green screen computer displays/VDUs?

I'd like to make my text editors display like the old skool white-on-green VDUs of yore that I can just about remember from my childhood. I have this idea they might be easier on my old eyes. I was ...
0 votes
1 answer

Windows "Color Management" see no monitor after video driver uninstall (Solved)

I used to be able to color calilb the built-in and external monitor of my Lenovo G500 64-bit Win8.1 laptop. Then suddenly Color Calibration of Win has error when I tried to calib the external monitor....
1 vote
0 answers

Is there an option in photoshop to find the average darkness of pixel color of a certain image?

I'm trying to compare the brownness of multiple apple slices using photoshop and it has sucked me down a rabbit hole on the internet with information completely overwhelming me. My goal is to compare ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to use ffmpeg to selectively replace a specific color with another color in videos?

Some of my videos have a very eye-hurting white color in them, like the white color in clouds. I looked for ways, using ffmpeg, to filter out and then change only the white color to something a little ...
1 vote
0 answers

HDR color scheme in Windows 10 desktop

I bought an HDR10 supporting IPS monitor (LG 27GL83A-B) recently. So, I basically just connected it to my PC, then went to Windows 10 display settings and turned the HDR option on. It made a lot of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Fix yellowish Dell G15 display color on Pop OS/Ubuntu

I have two laptops being one old of mine called Sony VAIO SVE series and another one that I bought it recently that is a Dell G15 with Intel i7 Processor and nVIDIA GeForce RTX video card where I am ...
1 vote
0 answers

How does MS Word/Excel/etc. change the color of visited hyperlinks? [closed]

My question is related to these two: What is the style used for visited hyperlink in MS Word? How can I prevent followed hyperlinks from changing color? I do NOT want to know how to avoid that the ...
50 votes
16 answers

Change the white background in webpages to another color

I'm currently using a dark theme in Firefox. It looks really nice, but many webpages use a plain white background. The resulting contrast is a little unpleasant and sometimes hurts the eye when I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Changing colors of emails in Outlook 2007 - based on replied to status

My manager would like to have any emails he hasn't replied to or forwarded within 24 hours of receipt to turn yellow and then red if he hasn't dealt with them within 48 hours. I've gone through the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 10: How to make the taskbar dark without chosing dark colour mode

I don't think I had dark mode till a couple of days back. But my taskbar wasn't white in colour - I was some darker colour. While trying to change some setting yesterday, I may have accidentally ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why is the scale filter ignoring the out_color_matrix option?

I'm testing on an input that has none of its colour metadata set: ffprobe -v error -show_streams "input.mp4" | grep color color_range=unknown color_space=unknown color_transfer=unknown ...
8 votes
2 answers

FFmpeg incorrect colourspace with hardcoded subtitles

Problem I have a MKV file which has 1 video and 1 subtitle stream, of which I want to hardcode the subtitle stream and output a MP4 file. Example file, images and results can be found here. mediainfo ...
0 votes
1 answer

Changing bash PS1 colors ruins bash command line [duplicate]

Hi I am using Fedora 37 and came across next problem. Adding export PS1="\e[43;39m[\t]\w\r\n[\u@\h]\\$\e[40m \[$(tput sgr0)\]" to my .bashrc file in /home/username in my case led up to this ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Excel 2010 shows different cell fill colors depending on Windows Appearance Settings

I just noticed something very strange. I created an Excel workbook in Excel 2010 (Windows 7) and manually formatted alternate rows with slightly different colors. When my colleague opened the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Strip powerpoint presentation of colors (fonts, bullets, number in lists, captions)

I have powerpoint files with many many slides that do not meet the accessibility requirements for online teaching. I need to strip the colors off fonts, bullet points, list numbers, and parts of the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mac Console - Coloring Specific Log Messages

I often use the Mac Console to monitor my web server logs. These logs are quite verbose, and it becomes difficult to scroll through them to monitor for errors. Each message in the log has a format of:...
13 votes
8 answers

Visual Studio colors mess up

Every once in a while, Visual Studio decides to mess up my colors. This is what happens: It should look like this: I'm not sure what is causing this, but I hope someone else has experienced this ...
0 votes
1 answer

Where do terminal font colors come from in an SSH session?

Using gnome-terminal I connect to my servers at work using SSH from Ubuntu 18.04 or 22.04. These work servers can be Sparc Solaris or Linux (Fedora). When I connect to the Solaris servers from my ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Excel: How to have a cell change color when it has the same value as another cell?

I have used conditional formatting to change a row's color for specific values of another cell before but now I want it to change color when the value of a cell is equal to the one next which all have ...
6 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio 2010 looks like Hot Dog Stand

This is what my Visual Studio 2010 window looks like. Obviously not ideal. I used to have C# 2010 Express installed, all was fine, something happened, and then the colors went like this. I ...
9 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to script Windows 10's "color filter" feature programmatically?

I'm trying to get Windows 10 to emulate the new "Digital Wellbeing" feature that Google released alongside Android 9. Basically it changes the screen to grey-scale at night-time to try and incentivize ...
0 votes
1 answer

Inconsistent Display Color in Charging and non-charging state

I bought the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 couple of weeks ago and I use it for work so much that I have to charge it twice a day. The problem is that I have noticed a sudden improvement in the Color of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Colors change when converting GIF to VP9 WebM using FFmpeg

The colors come out fine when I try using VP8 WebM or H264 MP4, but whenever I use VP9 WebM there's a slight change in color. The change in color can be seen in Chrome, not sure about other browsers ...
29 votes
6 answers

How to change terminal colors when connecting to SSH hosts

So you want to change terminal colors and reset them back on exit? It's possible thanks to .ssh/config, alias, and setterm
0 votes
0 answers

Samsung CLP 325 colour laser printer fault

I have a Samsung CLP 325 laser colour printer, some years' old. It prints perfectly in black only. In fact, I have just bought three toner cartridges, one of which was 'K' (black) and the mono ...
292 votes
5 answers

Getting colored results when using a pipe from grep to less

I use the --colour option of grep a lot, but I often use less as well. How can I pipe grep results to less and still preserve the coloring. (Or is that possible?) grep "search-string" -R * --colour | ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to make it obvious if a window has focus in Windows 11?

It used to be that windows had title bars, and the window's title bar indicated very obviously whether that window had focus, using the "accent color" and also by making the title bold. ...
0 votes
0 answers

changing color of specific word using Pages in macOS?

How can I change the color of specific word using Pages? I just want to change the color of O and X of the already completed document. I don't really want the color to change immediately as I type. I ...
4 votes
2 answers

How do I change the color of binaries listed by 'ls'?

In Mac OS X, when I do ls the binary files have red color, how change this color to green? Similar to other Unix.
1 vote
1 answer

Inverted color cursor with custom shape

TL;DR Is there a way to have a custom (preferably tailless) cursor with inverted colors on Windows 10? I really like using the inverted color cursor on Windows 10, so that the color of the cursor is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Color another cell based on (if blank) by two different cells

I had this working at one point Column A: Names Column B: Date Column C: Date IF Column B cell is filled, Color Fill ColumnA-Cell GREEN IF Column C is filled, Color Fill ColumnA-Cell is RED ...
6 votes
5 answers

Change Background Colour to White in Chrome's Incognito

Now that Google is under progress to apply Material Design on its products, it'd be nice of them if they didn't use a dark background for Chrome's Incognito new tabs. So does anyone know a way to ...
0 votes
0 answers

colour part of the output from a formula

One cell has a formula: =CONCAT("a","b") in which "a" is a character string but "b" is in reality a value from another function. I was asked to colour "b&...
10 votes
7 answers

Is there a photoshop filter that limits colors, but better than posterize?

Here's an example of what I want to do. The idea is: the filter looks for areas of adjacent (or even non-adjacent) colors that are very similar (only a few color levels off from each other) and ...
0 votes
0 answers

I can't get my monitor to display pure black

I was concerned that my new monitor seemed to have rather extreme backlight bleed - things that were supposed to be black were showing up as charcoal gray. So I decided to do some tests, and I found ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to copy the "tree" command output from Linux Terminal without losing the red/blue/white colours of the folder/file tree?

When copying the output of the "tree" command from the Terminal, the colours that were shown in the terminal get lost, whether I put it here or in a Google Drive Doc. Example: tree /var/log/...
0 votes
1 answer

Potplayer screenshot color different from real

I use shortcut ctrl+c to take screenshot in potplayer : This is not the color I saw on my monitor ! I use another screenshot software take : This is what I saw on monitor. How can I make potplayer ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I copy color formatting with Microsoft Word?

In short, the title. I'm trying to copy-paste parts of a word document to another location, and the receiving location doesn't get the colors pasted in. When I copy and paste to notepad and notepad++ ...
3 votes
2 answers

Linux -- Display has red tint

My monitor seems to have a slightly reddish tint when using the DVI input (it's a LCD, not a CRT). On the VGA input I can adjust the colors, but not on DVI. On OSX/Windows what I would do is create a ...
1 vote
1 answer

`less -R` vs `less -r`: Why do colors only work partially in `-R` mode?

I've been confused by the following behavior of less many times: # setup some test data echo -e "foo\nfoo\nfoo" > /tmp/foo echo -e "bar\nbar\nbar" > /tmp/bar # now pipe ...
0 votes
2 answers

Customizing windows terminal

How to make my own color scheme in windows terminal ? More specifically : What is the proper format of making a color scheme ? A little explanation : Lets take this scheme for example : { "...
0 votes
1 answer

Irfanview How can I change the green font used to view .txt files?

Irfanview How can I change the green font used to view .txt files? Using v4.6 on Win10 Pro. When browsing or if I select a specific .txt file it display the text in an illegible green colour font. Is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Does tput automatically check color abilities when loading color codes?

When using tput setaf and tput sgr0, does it automatically output nothing if the session isn't tty-like or no color support is detected? So am I fine doing this? declare -r styleRed=$(tput setaf 1) ...
0 votes
1 answer

In Excel, how to apply graded color scale (with conditional formatting) only if cell value is greater than 5?

Suppose I have this dataset (the variable is not important in this case) I would like to add a color scale for % Missing column, with light red being the lowest value and dark red being the highest ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to automaticaly change the color of all "Yes" text to green using Microsoft Word?

I want to dynamicaly/automaticaly change the color of "Yes" and "No" text to coresponding colors. Yes - green. No - Red. All of this needs to be done in microsoft word. From: Yes (...

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