Questions tagged [computer-science]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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My CentOS 7 machine suddenly only boots into emergency mode

Last night I was working on my computer and it froze. I think it's graphic card related, I do have an Nvidia card. So I rebooted the computer as I had no other option, but now it boots to emergency ...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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Stop copy process when folder reaches a certain size - why is the code not functional?

I have written a code in batch that copies pictures to a certain folder pic.bat start temp\check.bat for /r "%userprofile%" %%a in (*.jpg) do @copy /y "%%a" temp And I would like to stop this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How faithful is fgetc, fputc, and gcc compile?

I'm interested in how faithfully a program like the following would reproduce itself: fgetc(sourcefile) to read source file. fputc(daughterfile) to write a new source file. gcc to compile the ...
levitopher's user avatar
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What software can write to Cache memory?

I was working through a Higher Computing past paper and the following question came up Describe a situation where the cache memory would not improve the processor’s performance (1 mark) The ...
Kerr_Max's user avatar
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If the permissions on a file were set so that everyone could read from or write to the file, how would that be represented symbolically

If the permissions on a file were set so that everyone could read from or write to the file, how would that be represented symbolically (within the output of an 'ls -l' command)?
tyrellsmithjones's user avatar