Questions tagged [console]

A combination of display monitor and keyboard (or other device that allows input) for system monitoring and administration.

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0 votes
1 answer

Unable to start C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe when launching Console2

I've just downloaded Console2 as an alternative to the default cmd console that comes with windows, when I double click I get this error : I added the C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe to the PATH ...
1 vote
0 answers

Any way to obscure password in Windows EXE start-up argument?

There is a Windows GUI application (call it A from now on) that takes some password as its start-up argument. For example, C:\SomeProgram.exe /usr=homer /pwd=simpson There is an application (call it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Auto attach new consoles to conemu

I want that when a console is openning ConEmu will automagically detect the console (for example - by executable path) and attach it in a new tab. for example, a console of an application I'm ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why some programs cannot receive the output of children processes?

Some programs don't display output of some children processes. As you can see , I tried to run php --version in three console utilities: Git Bash (MinGw), native Windows 8 command line and Cygwin ...
1 vote
1 answer

Debian console has first character hidden (outside of monitor)

The issue we are hitting with our server is quite odd. The terminal's first line(s) is printed outside the monitor and we tried changing resolution without success. Reducing buffer width (stty columns ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can I have new Console windows (from Win 10) in Windows 8?

The new Windows 10 Technical previews has a "fixed" console windows. Is there anyway I can install just that on my Windows 8 without the not-yet-stable Win 10?
0 votes
0 answers

Running application using cmd.exe while inside the console in Windows

I have an .exe application. When I run it from the console in Windows 8.1 by executing a command C:/Path/To/My/App/MyApp.exe it starts and works just fine. But I need to run it through the cmd.exe ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I know FTP-username and Password

I hired a freelancer to install my website to a new server. However, I don't know/remember FTP username/password any more. But I have username/password for linux-console. Is there some EASY and SAFE ...
2 votes
2 answers

Linux console periodically hangs for sporadic, short periods of time

I am working with embedded Linux, and I have some strange behavior on custom board, in which the serial console—connection via UART—hangs for a 1-2 seconds every 15-20 seconds: The entered chars in ...
21 votes
1 answer

Why does the ">" command in a Windows console not redirect all messages to a file?

I am trying to build a Scala project with sbt, so I run a command: sbt clean test > log.log Which means that any messages that the sbt tool writes to the Windows console should be written to the "...
3 votes
2 answers

How to use Console2 with tmux

I am able to start tmux using the mintty terminal included with cygwin. However, when using Console2 (running on 64-bit windows 7 and using C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe as the shell), I get the following ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How can you restart your Windows console? [closed]

I would like to restart my windows 7 console. How do I do so?
0 votes
1 answer

FFMPEG. Two dshow sources and one output. Combine commands

Office PC has to record what operators say to clients and contrariwise way - clients to operator. I got low resourse solution. But is there way to combine this two commands? ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -i ...
1 vote
1 answer

Emulate console by sending data on one UDP port, and receive text from another

I'm trying to establish a “console-like” connection with a National Instruments cRIO-FRC. It broadcasts its console output onto, UDP port 6666. I can listen to it with: socat UDP-...
2 votes
2 answers

Linux: Portable MP3-Player syncing on commandline

I'm searching a console-application which helps me managing my portable mp3-player. The player is a simple mountpoint so nothing special here. My Wish-Application would work as following: I provide ...
0 votes
1 answer

Configuring PuTTY for Windows 8 cmd shell prompt

Is there some recommended configuration / settings of PuTTY for Telnet connecting on Windows 8 shell/Telnet. I ask this because in default conf of PuTTY cursor behavior is little strange. e.g. with ...
1 vote
2 answers

Changing Ubuntu Wallpaper Using Terminal or From command Line

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 with Gnome Shell and unity and I was wondering how to change the desktop wallpaper form terminal or command line . I found the following but i can't seem to get it to work , ...
210 votes
10 answers

How to copy text from Console2?

I just started using Console2 as an alternative to cmd.exe I can't figure out how to copy text from the console to the clipboard -- dragging over it with the mouse won't mark anything, and there is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Best way to visualize graph on a text console?

I looking for a solution to visualize a graph on a standard unix text console. Speaking more precisely I need to visualize a graph of dependencies between files from specified set, those dependencies ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I change the color of a Putty session based on the directory I'm browsing?

I'm not interested in a definitive change of colors for Putty (or terminal), but in a color specific change based on the directory I'm currently browsing, especially to avoid big mistakes between two ...
1 vote
0 answers

MINGW32 orphan console window

I was installed Git extensions in Windows 7, which have a Git Bash console which title starts with "MINGW32" so it is running under MINGW. Today I found that such a window became a zombie -- I cannot ...
4 votes
1 answer

What's the relationship between ssh console and bash?

This is somewhat a Grandma question, but nevertheless, I can't really figure it out. It's the following: I log in to a remote machine via ssh. There (for example!) I try to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...
18 votes
4 answers

Is there a windows console emulator? [closed]

Is there any way to make Windows console less ugly? I imagine there might be some 32 bit application that provides a nicer UI, but delegates all calls to cmd under the hood. Is there such an app? For ...
3 votes
1 answer

Attach a running console application to a new ConEmu instance

I have an already-started console application, under Windows XP. I want to attach it to a different console emulator such as Console2 or ConEmu. This is possible with ConEmu, and it works if I run ...
0 votes
0 answers

Nexus 7 console snag?

I've been messing around with the console on my nexus 7 tablet and the other day while trying to do some simple commands it returns "no devices" before hand it would usually give a serial number of ...
11 votes
2 answers

Duplicate session in ConEmu

Is there way to "duplicate" session in ConEmu. I know it's not possible for every kind of terminal (cmd.exe, powershell, etc), but I'm most interested in following situation: I'm in cmd.exe console ...
6 votes
6 answers

Advanced command line editing for Windows?

I'm developer who was "born and bred" on Linux and BSD systems, and I've become accustomed to having advanced tools for the console (posix shells like bash, for example). My career has taken a twist ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to start `mtr` in the d mode? (or: how to send a keypress to a console app)

I love mtr for measuring my internet connections. Unfortunately the mode that I use it in can only be reached by pressing d as far as I know. This is the standard mode, with ping times: This is the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I get Emacs to run correctly in a Windows console with codepage 65001 (UTF-8)?

When my codepage is set to 65001 (UTF-8) in a Powershell terminal, emacs -nw displays garbage. When the codepage is set to 437, emacs -nw works. I would like to be able to run emacs -nw (much quicker ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I configure PuTTy so the tilde (~) is selected with the rest of the filepath?

When I double-click a filepath in my PuTTy console the entire path is selected, provided the path contains no spaces or certain characters like "%" or ";". Unfortunately, PuTTy also considers "~" to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Console command redirect to nothing

Is there a way to redirect Windows console commands to nothing\null? A regular redirection might look like: prog.exe > a.txt However in my case I would like to redirect the output so that it ...
1 vote
2 answers

Capturing the console output

I am running a Hadoop hive query from shell script. This is how I am doing it in my shell script. echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test" | hive I want to capture the output whatever hive command outputs. ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to run process in background with output in file after some foreground input/output actions on linux?

I start a process and interact with it (some input actions) in foreground, then it works for a long time, so I put it to bg and logout. I want to redirect error messages in text file, while process in ...
1 vote
3 answers

Can I make C# Console applications on Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8?

As the question, can I make C# console applications on Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8? I am aware that you can create Windows 8 apps but is there a template to create C# based console ...
1 vote
1 answer

Linux Mint 17: How do I switch key bindings from the command line?

I changed the key binding switch-to-workspace-1 via Keyboard > Keyboard shortcuts > Workspace Management. Is it also possible to this via the console? Vecause when I use the command gsettings get ...
0 votes
0 answers

Type in multiple terminals [duplicate]

I am looking for a solution for Windows to be able to type the same commands in multiple terminals (SSH) at the same time. I am using ConEmu with Git bash, but any solution for Windows is of interest.
2 votes
1 answer

How to bind Control+apostrophe via bindkey in zsh

There is way to bind Control+apostophe via bindkey? I have tried: bindkey "\C-'" bindkey "^'" bindkey "\C-\x27" and all of this is not working
3 votes
1 answer

In a dual monitor setup, how to find which monitor a given window is on?

I am writing a python script to resize and organize windows, just like the grid plugin does in compiz-fusion(except that I am on Debian Wheezy). I am using xrandr and wmctrl to get the resolutions of ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can I install ConsoleZ without a package manager?

I am not sure why/how, but I can't seem to simply install ConsoleZ on my Windows 7 computer. I went here, got the latest x64 release, and unzipped it. Afer unzipping it, I get just one directory, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mpg123 play previous file

Is it possible to use mpg123 to play previous file? My normal usage on using mpg123 $ mpg123 somefolder/*.mp3 I know that to pause we can use Ctlr+Z, and fg to resume, Ctrl+C to play next song, but ...
1 vote
3 answers

VT100 (color) serial terminal software for 640k PCs?

I've come across an old PS/2 Model 25 and want to run a simple RS232 console on it. Any suggestions for a simple, 3.5" floppy-based program that would fit in 640k (clearly I would never need more ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a terminal supporting embeded graph under linux? [closed]

everyone. I want to know if there is a graphic terminal which support viewing images inline. The ipython qtconsole is very cool because it has the '%matplotlib inline' magic. But I'd like to use ...
10 votes
2 answers

Temporarily Changing Console Properties in Windows 7

In Windows XP, when you make a change to the console settings (not just for the command-prompt, but all console apps), eg dimensions, colors, fonts, etc., it asks if you want to make the changes ...
25 votes
3 answers

(When) is CONHOST.EXE actually necessary?

Background Last year I compiled a portable blog/web-server system that I can run from a flash-drive. It’s great and works wonderfully, especially on XP. The problem is that when it’s run in Windows 7,...
7 votes
1 answer

Replacing cmd.exe with an another console tool [duplicate]

I like to use Console2 instead of the default command line for Windows. Out of habbit i'm still writing "cmd" into Total Commander's command line sometimes to open a DOS console into the current ...
11 votes
1 answer

How to open some location in new tab in existing nautilus window? (from console)

I want to type something in console that will open some location (on example home dir) in already opened nautilus window. Is it possible?
2 votes
1 answer

Command for printing output to console and file at same time on different threads

I am writing a bash script and would like the very last command to start as a separate process. The last command also sends all output to a file. I also, however, want the output to still appear on ...
0 votes
1 answer

CentOS 6.4 console keyboard layout hotswitch

On an X-server-less CentOS 6.4 box (so no setxkbmap) I share with another person, the other person's name is much easier to type in a particular keymap. Ideally, there would be a way, on-the-fly, to ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to make FFmpeg continuously write progress on one line

When encoding FFmpeg prints a new line every second with the progress, example frame= 31 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size= 152kB time=00:00:00.72 bitrate=1726.3kbits/s frame= 59 fps= 57 q=0.0 size= ...
47 votes
4 answers

Git Bash Here in Console2?

MSysGit installs a context menu item that opens a Git Bash prompt at the currently selected folder; however, this opens a cmd.exe window and I would like it to open in Console2 instead. What ...

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