Questions tagged [cron]

cron is a task scheduler based on clock time that runs on Linux-based machines.

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80 votes
11 answers

How can I get a script to run every day on Mac OS X?

Cron? Launchd? iCal?? If so, how?
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

Log of cron actions on OS X

Does the cron which comes with OS X log its actions anywhere? I'm not looking for output of any particular cron job, but rather log of what cron is doing. On a couple linux machines I've checked, ...
Doug Harris's user avatar
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84 votes
13 answers

How to make WSL run services at startup

After searching this site and various Q, it is clear that services and systemd is not available for WSL. I need to run a program in WSL every time I start my PC so I read this page on how to use ...
seanbw's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

How do I run a launchd command as root

I have the following launchctl command as a .plist file. It's loaded and set to run once a day but, it needs to run as root and I'm not sure how to verify this. Also, this cron job basically CDs ...
Emmanuel Mwangi's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

crontab day of week vs. day of month?

I added this to /etc/crontab on a few different linux & freebsd systems: # monthly reboot: 3rd Tuesday of every month 56 07 15-21 * 2 root /sbin/shutdown -r now I want a reboot on the 3rd ...
ane's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

rsync over SSH with cron in osx-environment

I want to automatically download files and folders from a Linux server to which I have an SSH (and FTP) account. The files shall be downloaded on a regular basis (I suppose a cron is the right tool to ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes
7 answers

Automatically restart a Unix job if it goes down?

I have a job that I would like to "daemonize" on Unix: I want it to come up when the computer boots, and I want it to restart if it goes down. A simple way to do this is to setup a cronjob that runs ...
Joseph Turian's user avatar
101 votes
8 answers

How can I view results of my cron jobs?

I see so many guides on how to run crontab, but what I need right now is to learn how to Find log files about cron jobs Configure what gets logged
Zombies's user avatar
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72 votes
2 answers

Set a cron every certain hours between certain hours

How can I set a cron to run every 2 hours between 8 am and 5 pm for example? Is this possible?
luqita's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Behavior of rsync with file that's still being written?

If Apache is in the middle of writing a large file and an rsync cron job runs on that file, does rsync attempt to copy the file? Example Apache-1: Has file large being written to /var/www. Apache-2: ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Common Mac OS folders/settings to check (when trying to get rid of a pesky self-launching app)

If there's an app that starts up by itself, what would the most efficient places to look for it be? Does anyone have a nice comprehensive list of where to check for Startup Items, Login Items, Login ...
username's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Open a terminal from a Crontab

How do I get a gnome-terminal window to open from a crontab? I have tried this: * * * * * /usr/bin/gnome-terminal * * * * * source /home/user_name/.bashrc ; /usr/bin/gnome-terminal * *...
userend's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

crontab - /bin/sh: wget: command not found

I want to set up a crontab on my Macbook Pro running Lion. I run the usual crontab -e and provide a quick job to see if everything is working ok --- */10 * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http://site.local/...
Allan Thomas's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I make cron run a Java GUI application?

I have a script which runs a Java GUI application using "java -jar app.jar". I have added the script to the crontab to run every minute, check the processlist if the application is up. If it isn't it ...
nanoman's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Anacron running daily tasks hourly instead of daily

I have Anacron set up to run a backup daily, weekly and monthly. The monthly seems okay, but the daily and the weekly are running roughly every half hour every day! Here is my /etc/anacrontab # /etc/...
Peter White's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Shell script zips a folder, but exclude parameters not working IF its run from cron.daily

The script works fine if I run it with sh filename, but it ignores all the --exclude parameters if its run by cron: #!/bin/sh TIMESTAMP=$(date +%u) WEEK=`date +"%V"` if [ $(($WEEK%2)) -eq 0 ]; then ...
Viktor Koncsek's user avatar
59 votes
19 answers

Run a cron job on the first Monday of every month?

I'd like to run a job from cron at 8.30 on the first Monday of every month. The cron Wikipedia page says While normally the job is executed when the time/date specification fields all match ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

What is the point of system-autodeath?

In a previous question I found a "system autodeath cron job" which would shut down my default network route daily. As I have never heard of such a thing before, I would like to know what it exactly ...
bobby's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't my cron.d per minute job run?

I have thrown a bunch of darts trying to get a python script of mine to execute every minute. So I thought I'd simplify it to just do the "simplest thing that could could possibly work" once per ...
Travis Griggs's user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

crontab to wake osx from sleep

I have a crontab which will launch a certain program early in the morning (after I have gone to sleep) and close it again later in the morning (before I wake up). But my iMac will not execute the ...
Nippysaurus's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to use @reboot in /etc/cron.d

I am migrating individual user's crontabs to /etc/cron.d, as that would allow proper backup, restore and versioning. So far, as I understand the only difference between user's crontabs and the etc ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

linux: how to run a command in a given directory

I simply want to just run a command (actually its a shell script) from a given directory as a cron job. How can I run it so that it is set to a given directory without using cd.
Zombies's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Run a cron job every 5 minutes between two times

Is there a way to specify a job that runs every 5 minutes between some start time and some end time on business days in a crontab? Update I think it's relevant that my start and end times are not at ...
pythonic metaphor's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Why is my crontab not running

I have this cron 38 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/rails/site/releases/20120705144335 && script/rails runner -e qa '\''Play.load_lists'\''' I have this cron under the a different user so ...
Matt Elhotiby's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How do I create a cron job that will commit my project changes to git on a weekly basis

I'm using git for the purposes of making a historical transcript of the changes made to my project. I understand it's not the ideal usage but it's the usage pattern I've chosen for various reasons ...
Jason's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How to set cron PATH globally (i.e. for all users) permanently?

We need to have /usr/local/bin in cron's path for all users. Is there a way to set it system-wide, without needing to edit each individual user's crontab? We've tried adding PATH to /etc/crontab: # ...
grosser's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

cron: run a process but only if it isnt running?

Is there a way for me to tell cron to run an app BUT not run it if a process exist already?
user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Bad minute in crontab?

I get the following error in my syslog: Oct 17 13:14:03 tracker cron[873]: (*system*) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ignored) Oct 17 13:14:03 tracker cron[873]: Error: bad minute; ...
David Pfeffer's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How do you use the run-parts command?

For some reason my crontab is not running the hourly/weekly/etc scripts. It seems to be that run-parts is not working and I cant get it to work on my local machine as well. Is there a mistake in the ...
Fabian Barkhau's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

how to run cron jobs on GMT not local time?

How can I make cron jobs run on GMT, not local time? this is my crontab file: #m h d m wday command TZ=GMT 5 0,6,12,18 * * * ~/Documents/bash/ my jobs seem to ...
compound eye's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

cron apparently requires a newline character on its own line at the end of the file

I'm trying to understand why cron is refusing to work with a certain crontab file. The manpage for crontab says: cron requires that each entry in a crontab end in a newline character. If the ...
lps's user avatar
  • 266
7 votes
9 answers

How can I write a cron job that will block my internet from 7pm to 7am? (So I can get some sleep)

I am using OSX 10.6 and it has cron built in. How can I write a cron job that will block my internet from 7pm to 7am every day? Im sure this must be simple but I could only find one example online ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

cron runs but nothing happens

I have created a script called "" and set permissions to 777. It contains the following line: echo "It worked: $(date)" >> /home/noc/email.log I created a cron job with the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

with a shell script, it is possible to tell when it's run with cron vs run manually?

with a shell script, it is possible to tell when it's run with cron vs run manually? UPDATE: it was asked why I want to know. My cron job will be logging, and i want to be able to log if someone ...
Roy Rico's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to run a script at boot time for normal user?

I want to run a bash script at boot time in CentOS 6. I added the script in /etc/init.d/ directory but all these script are run by root. I want to run script for any user.
Waqas Rana's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Linux startup script to connect to bluetooth and cron to keep it connected

I have a mini Bluetooth keyboard and a Raspberry Pi running a Debian-based distro. I know the MAC address of the keyboard but for this question, let’s just use AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. Right now I have to ...
D.R.'s user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
3 answers

How do I automate borg backup?

Background I would like to use Borg Backup as a backup solution for my Ubuntu server. They offer a very convenient sh script that they say you can just run as a cron job, but it is not working for ...
sgbrown's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to create a cron job to upload files to an FTP server

I would like to create a cron job that uploads files from a directory on my computer to my FTP server. I would like it to do it daily at midnight. I know pretty much nothing about cron, so I ...
Christopher's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

certbot-auto fails to install automatic renewal?

I am using kernel 3.10 on CentOS 7. I have successfully installed CertBot 1.10.1 using alternative installation instructions as certbot-auto. Running certbot-auto successfully generated certificates ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why does this script fail when run from cron, but works when run manually?

I have a relatively simple bash script that works great when invoked directly, but fails when run by cron. Why does this fail and how can I make it work via cron? #!/bin/bash apt-get update -y apt-...
JVC's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to properly use environment variables in crontab

I export a variable in my ~/.bashrc file (Ubuntu 20), which I'd like to use in a cron job. Searching for answers, I found two ways of doing it, but none worked for me: 12 11 * * * BASH_ENV=/home/l86/....
Leandro 86's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Schedule a cronjob everytime it is done

I have a cronjon which runs every 48 hours. But ideally what I want is that it must start running as soon as it stops. Can this be done? It is an sh script consisting of a python command. I am using ...
Rishi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is this cronjob not working?

I have a ruby script in ~/custom_scripts/get_all_products.rb. I want it to run every night at 04:00. Here's what the cronjob in crontab -e looks like: MAILTO="<email>" 0 4 * * * ruby ~/...
narzero's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

why does this anacron job run hourly, not daily? [duplicate]

I'm running zulip on a virtual private server, and have created a script backup-zulip on my laptop (with ubuntu 20.04) to back up zulip via ssh. I want to run this script daily, so I put the line @...
user313032's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cron scheduled backup script not working or writing to log file

I have a duplicity backup script set to run once per day through the root cron tab. I set it up like this: sudo crontab -e -u root and added the line: 00 03 * * * root /home/[myusername]/...
dysonsphere's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Running shell Script via Crontab

So I've tried to run a shell script via crontab. My Crontabs look like this: 00 20 * * * $HOME/Bilder/Hintergründe/.background_skript/ and my looks like this: `#!/...
Sebastian Illi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python script not running as cronjob

I have tried everything and I've seen other questions here regarding this but I cannot for the life of me run a python script as a cronjob. I've tried the following. * * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/...
KingKongFrog's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Starting script in screen with cron

I apologise if this has been asked before but I am not sure how to question a search query for this. I am extremely new to linux and I have been learning as I go to solve issues. I am trying to set ...
TheAngryBr1t's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cron strange behaviour

I've got a Bash script with all the permission to be excecuted, I attach it to to a cron job, this script basically only kills and restarts a specific process. The strange behaviour is that if I run ...
FabioEnne's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Scheduled process killing and restart

I have to write a script for a CentOS server which will kill and restart a process every three days. After killing the process it needs to execute another script and start the killed process. ...
CodeBladeRunner's user avatar