Questions tagged [debian-squeeze]

Squeeze is the development codename for Debian 6.0. This tag should be used in preference to [Debian] if the question is specific to this version.

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2 answers

Apache2 won't load css files on Debian 6 (Squeeze)

After using nginx for a few months, which worked pretty well, I decided to switch back to Apache. Now, I have just installed apache2, but it seems like it won't load my CSS files. I've been struggling ...
wouterds's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I tell aptitude or apt to offer a particular version of lpr?

I seem to have a weird version of lpr installed (one that doesn't cope with -o, see also this question). On all my other machines that run the same debian squeeze, the proper version of lpr is ...
zebonaut's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change language in a command-line software on debian

i'm using ‘exif’ on a server (Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 (squeeze)) and unlike on my dev computer (Mac OS X through MacPort) it runs in french : exif -h Utilisation: exif [OPTION...] fichier -v, --...
Amo__'s user avatar
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1 answer

The Chrome Web Store doesn't support Chromium on Debian "Squeeze" or other very old Chrome versions. What's the workaround?

I'm running Debian Linux "Squeeze" 6.0.6. Squeeze is stable but changes very slowly. It includes Chromium (similar to Google Chrome) 6.0. The Chrome Web Store doesn't show the "Add to Chrome" button ...
jasonspiro's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I know whether my Debian is being hacked/infected?

My laptop seems to be acting rather weird - saying that another person is logged in when I try to shut it down (or maybe it likes being turned on). So how do I know whether my Debian laptop is being ...
user269334's user avatar
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2 answers

Wrong libc6 version in Debian Squeeze -- can I go back?

Attempting to make some ruby gems work, I discovered I needed to install the dev ruby package, which apparently required the dev libc6. When I tried to install it (using the approved squeeze apt-...
NateDSaint's user avatar
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4 answers

murmurd doesn't accept SuperUser password

just installed a mumble-server (murmurd) under Debian Squeeze. I set the SuperUser password using the murmurd -subw <newpassword> command, then restarted the service. When I try to connect as a ...
wolfgangsz's user avatar