Questions tagged [drawing]

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43 votes
8 answers

How to draw boxes and tables in plain text

In many plain text documents, box drawing characters are used to draw these boxes in figures and tables. Such examples (from RFC 5766) are shown below. Is there a better way to draw this (for instance,...
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9 votes
6 answers

How do I stroke a path in GIMP (or, just draw a line)?

I want to just draw a simple line in GIMP. The usual method, which I'm sure worked before, is to use a path then stroke it. I selected the path tool, then clicked 2 points to make a straight line ...
DisgruntledGoat's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Please recommend a tool to draw structs / classes and pointers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Application to help build diagrams I know the paper and a pen answer, but I truly need a PC solution. I made the example below by Word, so please recommend others more ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Draw multiple arrows

There used to be a feature in the drawing tools of Microsoft Office that you double click a drawing tool (such as arrow) and that meant you'd draw that and your next click would draw the same of that ...
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