Questions tagged [emacs]

For questions regarding usage of the Emacs text editor. See also the Emacs Stack Exchange:

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1 vote
1 answer

How to switch between different windows in the same frame without using mouse?

How to switch between different windows in the same frame without using mouse? When I press Cmd-Tab and switch from some other application to Emacs, how to go to one window and subsequently switch to ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to make Emacs use a different color palette for ansi-term?

I'm using Emacs' ansi-term which supports colors, but the color palette is quite limited, and the strong colors are really hard to read with a dark background. Can I somehow make Emacs use a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Emacs c-mode can't recognize utf-8?

I need to read one C++ head file which has some Chinese and was encoded using utf-8. Emacs should recognize this encoding, but it turns out: Then, I changed it to text-mode, it works: I also tested ...
0 votes
1 answer

Emacs transparent background on gnome-shell?

I'm using emacs gui on gnome-shell(3.2). I just set transparent background as the guide shows. It actually works on xfce4 (with compositor turned on). But failed on my gnome-shell laptop. So is there ...
2 votes
2 answers

Emacs Making ~files

I was wondering if there is a way to make emacs stop making backups of files with the ~ at the end. (herpderp.html~) I am currently using windows xp 32 bit with emacs 23. Does anyone know how to make ...
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2 answers

Paste format string or paste-with-replace

In Vim, can I supply a format string, yank it, and paste it with formatted values in a range?. An example in Python 2 would be: for i in range(1, 3): print "This is line %d" % i If this is not ...
4 votes
1 answer

Emacs - Better completion mechanism for comint mode?

When I open a shell in Emacs and try to Tab-complete paths, this stupid window pops up: Click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it. In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to override ctl-tab keybinding in textmate.el minor mode

I'm playing around with textmate.el: A little confusing at first if you've never tried textmate, but pretty cool! I'd like to override a binding in the minor ...
2 votes
4 answers

How to view a delimiter-separated-value file in Emacs with highlighting helpful for reading?

How to view a delimiter-separated-value file in Emacs with highlighting helpful for reading? Ideally the delimiter character/string should be customizable. If Emacs can't do, any other tool ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to view Gmail using VM in Emacs via Imap?

I followed instructions at here and now I get the following error when I ran vm: vm-imap-protocol-error: IMAP protocol error: "unexpected char (10)" $ lsb_release -rd Description: Ubuntu 11.10 ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to efficiently type in a pair of XML tags in Emacs?

How to efficiently type in a pair of XML tags such as <tag></tag> in Emacs? I am hoping some sort of auto-complete behavior.
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2 answers

Can't find .emacs file on Windows XP

I have installed emacs, specifically GNU Emacs for Windows x86. After installation, I can't find .emacs file. I have the .eamcs.d folder which contains other customization files that will be ...
7 votes
2 answers

How can I disable prompt about trust when encrypting file with gpg in emacs

I want to use emacs to edit files encrypted with gnu privacy guard. Im using the gpg support built into emacs 23 which I think is easy pg assistant. I import keys created at the command line with M-x ...
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0 answers

Hide initial buffer list in Emacs' iswitchb-mode

How can I configure iswitchb-mode so that it does not display the list of all (matching) buffers until I hit TAB for the first time?
4 votes
1 answer

Emacs-like Meta (Option/Alt) key functionality in OS X Lion?

I'd like to have word-forward/backward functionality with M-f and M-b plus all the other convenient shortcuts. Is this possible?
2 votes
1 answer

Emacs on "software hatelist". What does he mean with. "Lacks controlled cross-module code/data protection." [closed]

Simply curious. (I use Emacs for Scheme and nothing more). Found this on a programmers "software hatelist" Quote: Emacs. Lacks controlled cross-module code/data protection. I don't understand what ...
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3 answers

How to indent a block of text rightward by 2 whitespace characters in Emacs?

How to indent a block of text rightward by 2 whitespace characters in Emacs? How to indent a block of text rightward by 4 whitespace characters in Emacs? [EDIT] I need a method that doesn't ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to let Emacs' regexp based commands such `query-replace-regexp` use Perl regexp?

Is there a way to let Emacs' regexp based commands such query-replace-regexp use Perl regexp? I am hoping there is some reasonably simple way to achieve this, for example, by adding code in .emacs.
6 votes
1 answer

How to display new line character (^J) in emacs replace query

Say I want to replace all the new lines in my emacs buffer with the character k (wait for the -1, read the rest! :) ). I know I can type M-x replace-string RET C-q C-j RET k. It works fine. My ...
1 vote
1 answer

After Emacs copy, OS-X paste buffer gets CRs instead of LFs

When I do an Emacs-copy or -cut in a text file with unix line endings (0x0a), and then look at the pasteboard in Terminal, the newlines have been replaced with lone carriage-returns. The file (...
4 votes
1 answer

Ctrl+h causing backspace instead of help in emacs on cygwin

I want to access the help for a command by using ctrl+h in emacs, but it keeps deleting the previous character. I googled it, and apparently ctrl+h is backspace in a terminal. How do I remove this key ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mac Terminal Doesn't display Unicode UTF-8 Properly when ssh'ed into Linux and running Emacs

I am logged into a Mac, running Terminal, ssh'ed into a Linux system and running make in an emacs window. My error log looks like this: _raw.cpp:139: error: invalid conversion from âconst char*â to ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to type guillemets in Emacs?

How to type guillemets (book title mark in Chinese) in Emacs (efficiently)?
5 votes
1 answer

What is the easiest way to reformat paragraphs to a certain width in emacs?

For Vim users: I'm looking for the equivalence of tw=80, gq I have two paragraphs of a certain width, which I'd like to reformat to fit in the width of 80 characters. What is the easiest way to do ...
7 votes
1 answer

Emacs two windows for one file, seamless scrolling?

Is it possible to open one file in two windows, that are next to each other (C-x 3) and the first window shows lines x .. y and the next window has lines y .. z and when you scroll one window the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why can't I open the easter eggs like Tetris on Emacs?

I am in terminal on a Mac, and I type in emacs tetris. It comes up with a blank page and something at the bottom saying: Loading image...done, but that is it. I leave it for a little while but nothing ...
2 votes
1 answer

Key for controlling synergy on Mac

My mac has Control/Alt(Option)/Command, and with synergy, each key maps Control/LWindows/Meta(Alt). I want to change the mapping to Control/Meta(Alt)/LWindows. Alt(Option) is key key name is written ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to quickly access files in different folders in emacs?

Basically I have different type of files in different folders. org notes in E:\org-notes , certain php files in e:...\wamp\www\ and so on. And I want to quickly open files from these different ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to write a fixed comment in an emacs buffer, respecting the mode?

I want to write a little function to enter a fixed comment string such as the following on a new line, respecting the mode, e.g. in elisp I would like it to write ;; this is a comment on the next ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I map the Windows key to meta (for Emacs) in Putty?

How do I map the Windows key to meta (for Emacs) in Putty?
4 votes
2 answers

emacs variable to "open with" in original frame

i have long used emacs, and have even long used . recently, i upgraded to 23.3, and i discovered that a couple of default behaviors changed. one in particular that annoys me now is that ...
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2 answers

send emacs file buffers to/from browser with Gmail message?

I sometimes find myself writing a Gmail email on the browser and I want to switch to editing it into my open emacs session, then once I am done, flip back to Gmail on the browser text window. Is there ...
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0 answers

set-input-method in emacs and colour highlighting

I am using set-input-method in emacs (with (set-input-method "portuguese-prefix") in my .emacs file). I write notes on Portuguese grammar in a file opened in the org-mode. The file has both English ...
2 votes
1 answer

how to bind a key to more than one operation in emacs

I've been using emacs for years, but I'm relatively new to customizing lisp (beyond plugging in lines from other emacs scripts / package installation instructions). I programmed scheme before, so I'm ...
0 votes
1 answer

Terminal keystrokes confusion

#1 tmux ignores some keystrokes: Ctrl + Delete Ctrl + F* #2 Something similar happens in virtual consoles (even without tmux) with the difference that Ctrl + Delete and Delete behaves the same. #...
0 votes
1 answer

Why would this work - making the OS pointing to Emacs GUI app instead of the default one?

I have emacs on OS X that comes pre-installed, and is found in /usr/bin/emacs. It does not allow me to run it as a bg process (using &) and does not present me with a nice GUI. I therefore ...
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2 answers

How do I get back emacs on Mac Lion?

I have Mac Lion, I was trying to install Emacs 23.3 using these instructions and others. Emacs 23 didn't work, and I lost the one that was already there (emacs 2. something). Now, when I type: ...
3 votes
2 answers

Pasting from OS X clipboard manager into emacs

I love emacs. I love having my clipboard history. I've used Jumpcut for a long time and recently purchased the powerpack for Alfred and tried its clipboard manager. I have the same problem with both ...
2 votes
1 answer

Getting Thunderbird External Editor working with Emacs

I am trying to get the External Editor extension for thunderbird to work, so that I can use Emacs to compose emails. I haven't had much luck in getting this to work. Can anyone describe the steps they ...
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0 answers

How can I pass function keys in Gnome terminal to Emacs

I like to use Emacs in the terminal with out X(emacs -nw). But the problem is I can't use function keys(f1 ... f12) in gnome terminal. How can I pass them to Emacs in gnome-terminal? If it's not ...
2 votes
2 answers

How can I make Emacs visualize only indentation whitespace?

I've been looking at whitespace-mode, but I'm not sure it can do what I want here. Here is an example: (defn foo [] ..(let [x 1] ....(+ x 2))) How can I do something like that in Emacs? In words, I'...
2 votes
0 answers

Emacs: rename-save file?

Is it possible in Emacs to save a buffer to a different filename than the currently associated filename and to remove the file with the current filename? For example, I'm editing file1.txt in a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Emacs equivalent of this Vim command to run my tests?

I'm using Emacs at the moment and experimenting with it for my Rails development and there is one thing that I do quite regularly in Vim and I'd like to know if an equivalent exists in Emacs, or an ...
3 votes
1 answer

Org-mode - TODO item shown ONLY in Agenda for day/week

is there any way in Org-mode to mark some TODOs in a way that they are shown only when their time comes and start showing only in agenda day/week until they are marked as done?
1 vote
1 answer

.emacs file evaluation in a new frame

When I open a new frame in emacs, none of the settings in my .emacs file are evaluated unless I open the file and evaluate the buffer manually. Is there a secret that I am missing? Some bit of magic ...
2 votes
1 answer

Org-mode lags in highlighting source

I'm using org-mode to maintain my programming notes. This means I have lots of source code blocks, as follows. #+begin_src <language name> <code> #+end_src One thing I've noticed is ...
8 votes
1 answer

What difference will GTK3 support make for Emacs?

Emacs 24 is said to come with GTK3 support. What difference will this make (for the users)?
11 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to print the definition of an existing function in Emacs?

I want to see the definition of an existing function in Emacs. Is this possible? I've tried C-h d function-name RET, but it only returns the documentation string for the function, not the actual ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to use dictem in emacs?

I have dictem from Lubuntu repositories installed, but I do not know how to run it. I would like to know the basic usage, how to add/remove dictionaries, how to look up web resources like Wiki, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Kill all checked items from a .org file (emacs, org-mode)

Is there an easy way to kill all checked items in all checklists from a .org file? Similar to "clear completed tasks" in Google Tasks. Also it would be handy to know how to kill or archive all DONE ...

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