Questions tagged [eof]

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25 votes
4 answers

How to go to the bottom of the file on startup in Notepad++

I know this is completely unreasonable feature for a text editor to have, however, when I edit various files, I almost always have to do it at the end of the file. Is there a feature in Notepad++ ...
1 vote
0 answers

Bash installer script appears to not accept EOF input and instead gets stuck

I already posted this issue on stackoverflow and was politely redirected to this website. I hope this time, I'm at the right place :D I wanted to automatize my Mint installation. One major part of my ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I send CR (i.e. ascii 13) to a c program from keyboard (running linux)? ALSO, why do I have to send EOF twice to terminate this program?

I have read that Ctrl-J sends '\n', Ctrl-M sends '\r' and Ctrl-D sends EOF, but either this is incorrect or I'm simply not understanding what's happening. This simple program illustrates: const ...
0 votes
0 answers

Sending EOF shortcut: on what does it actually depend on?

It is common knowledge that on Linux to send EOF to a console program you press CTRLD while on Windows you press CTRLZ. However I suspect that this is not actually a feature of the OS, but rather of ...
2 votes
0 answers

SFTP put gets unexpected EOF on 50M file on first transfer of the day

I am executing SFTP to put a file to a new external client. We have about 10 other clients, some internal and some external, that we upload to without problems. This new client is on a VPN with us (...
1 vote
1 answer

LibreOffice: stop macro loop at end of file

I've got a LibreOffice Writer macro that finds the next Heading paragraph and converts it to Title case. Currently I have to invoke it repeatedly until the end of file is reached. I'm trying to set up ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can i remove <eof> characters in a text document [closed]

I am getting a error "Unexpected token "< eof >" "--- when I am running a query against a java based xquery library So I would like to remove the < eof> characters-- how do I remove those? I am ...
0 votes
0 answers

cat > $FILE_NAME << EOF - Explanation of the inner workings

I know what this one does, I learned "pattern like" and just works. I also know: that > is a redirect to a file that << is also a redirect to file see below EOF is just a placeholder, when ...
5 votes
5 answers

Bash/csh: test for end of file (EOF) of stdin

I would like to do: if not eof(stdin): pass stdin to program else: do nothing I have a feeling that it can be written fairly close to: if test ! --is-eof - ; then exec program The problem ...
1 vote
1 answer

Type an EOF without a line break

I have a little command that I use to copy/paste files around that involves pasting the base64-encoded tar archive into stdin, but the base64 utility keeps giving me and error message about my input ...
1 vote
0 answers

EOFError when executing python scripts that need user input inside emacs

EOFError: EOF when reading a line Is what I'm getting when executing this one line script inside emacs in python-mode (by pressing C-c C-c) : print raw_input(">") Is there a way to make emacs ...
3 votes
5 answers

BASH: Adding existing filecontent to an existing file

I've to add the content of a file to the end of every prefs.js file. Tried it with find -name 'prefs.js' -exec more filecontent >> '{}' \; but it didn't work.
2 votes
3 answers

Playing an Online mp3

I have a problem with playing online mp3s. I'm using latest version of javazoom's jlayer and basicplayer. Here is the exception: Caused by: javazoom.jlgui.basicplayer.BasicPlayerException: