Questions tagged [equations]

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Auto update quantity from one sheet to another

We have an Inventory list with columns for Brand, Product, Qty then the multiple prices columns. We have a Sales sheet with columns for the Date, Product (which uses Data Validation for a drop down ...
Abby's user avatar
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How do you write above and below in arrow in chemical reaction in word [duplicate]

I am trying to write the following chemical reaction in Word 365: I tried the following method: RNH_2[sp]\below(Alkylamine)[sp] \rightarrow[sp]\below(NaOH)[sp]\above(X_2)[sp] where [sp] = space ...
kiran's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make Excel subtract and add (not sum nor subtotal) only the values of the cells shown after using a filter

As shown in the image below, when I use the filter in column A to show only apples, the balance column shows wrong numbers because it takes into account the hidden cells which belongs to oranges. I ...
Falcon Pilot's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are my equations hidden between two pages in Microsoft Word?

I am using word office to write some math notes. Most my equations are written in tables which makes it easy to number and cite them. While the equations look nice in the middle of the page, once I ...
MrDi's user avatar
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1 answer

argmin parameter and text below it

I am trying to write the equation shown below in a Microsoft Word document: I have tried to write something like this: but when I export the Word doc as a pdf I don't get the same results as the ...
Nikos's user avatar
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3 answers

Number equations in Word - give one number to two equations

How can I number equations in word, similar to how it is done in Latex? If I have just one equation on a line, I usually type the number to the right of it, for example: y = x+1 (3). But I have a ...
user1747173's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I copy the plain text of equation in libreoffice calc

I made a trend line and its equation in libreoffice calc: Now, I want to copy the equation's plan text, but the copy function copies the equation as an object: And then I can only paste it inside ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any way to increase space between fraction bar in powerpoint equation?

I have typed a fraction in equation editor of Powerpoint slide as follows which does not look well . I am not finding any option for increasing spaces between fraction bar: Here is the link of the ...
Abdullah Mamun-Ur- Rashid's user avatar
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2 answers

MS Word cuts off the top and bottom of inline equations if line spacing is too narrow. Can this be overridden?

In Microsoft Word 2013, and I suspect more recent versions of Word as well, the tops and bottoms of equations are "cut off" or otherwise not displayed if the paragraph line spacing is ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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1 answer

MS Excel COUNTIF to math equation

For publication, I need to convert the following MS Excel formula to a math equation: COUNTIF($A$2:$A$10416,"<2")-COUNTIF($A$2:$A$10416,"<1") I use this to count how many ...
Milos's user avatar
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1 answer

Shortcut to exit equation in Microsoft Word

Is there a shortcut to come out of an in-line equation whilst also allowing it to execute the shortcuts in the function. As I understand it, this is only possible by pressing enter - but this is ...
Cola's user avatar
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1 answer

ThunderBird math equations

I just started using Thunderbird 78.14.0. I would like to put math equations into the email body. I can go to : insert -> math and type some latex equations. However, the end receiver if not using ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Make the degree symbol on the top of letter

I want to type in the equation on Microsoft Word. I cannot make the "degree" symbol on the top of letter "e". How to make it? I have tried to type it and I give up.
Ongky Denny Wijaya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Word365 Align equations to equal sign

Trying to align the equation (see photos below) to the equal signs. Not having any luck and it seems all the advice on the web relates to older version of word. Tried align equations but they're still ...
Clarence Harré's user avatar
-1 votes
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Solve PMT Equation to get the rate

I'm turning to you after using all my resources and being blocked on a mathematical issue. In the context of a system migration, I have to transfer data to a new system and perform calculation. I have ...
Solide's user avatar
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SET field codes in MS Word calculates a sum instead of keeping text

For getting the result in Figure 1, I input the field codes in MS Word as Figure 2. However, the result shows as Figure 3. In fact, I want to store the result "1-3" in the bookmark xxx using ...
likelee's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to edit the long equation in the linear format of MS word?

There's a matrix that has been created in the MS word 2019 illustrated as the following figures. It's found very difficult to edit later, because it becomes so long that exceeds the page width in the ...
likelee's user avatar
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1 answer

MS Word: Adding small numbers above and below a fraction

How do you put a small number above and a small number below a fraction in an Microsoft-Word-equation, like in the picture below (encircled in red)? The numbers aren't just raised/lowered in the usual ...
Koz's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why the results are not the same? (matrices)

Last image is the question and the official result
Teko JR's user avatar
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4 answers

Using PDF as background of Word document

Original problem: I have a PDF document with me which I wish to comment on. However, I have yet to find a PDF editor that has the versatility of text boxes, comments and equation editors etc. as ...
yellowello's user avatar
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Combining equation numbering and multi-line equation alignment in Word 2016?

Microsoft Word 2016 allows numbering equations with LaTeX-style right-aligned equation numbers using the input sequence #(NUMBER)<Enter>, producing output like sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor ...
kdb's user avatar
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How can I automatically generate and consistently cross-reference equation and subequation numbers in Microsoft Word 2016?

I write this question as Q&A after picking together information from different sources. For some issues I haven't found solutions, see answer part. I want to create equations with numbering on ...
kdb's user avatar
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Any way to annotate the summation operator completely in a quotient?

Good morning, I am using the Word equation tool and when writing the summation operator in the numerator of a quotient, it applies it compactly and not as it appears in the figure: Is there a way to ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I divide a matrix into several parts using the \ eqarray command?

Good morning, I am trying to incorporate the following expression using the equation tools in Word. Thanks to the valuable answer I received in this space I was able to use the command \ eqarray and ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are there more functions set in the insert equation option of Microsoft Word?

Good morning, I wanted to know if there are more default functions in Microsoft Word math environment to insert style functions like for example Specifically, I am interested in knowing if there are ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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1 answer

Latest symbol is lost in Word equation after Professional to Linear (LaTeX) conversion

I enter the formula in the latest Word for Office 365 (version 2003 (not Word 2003, the 2020 year version), build 12624) in LaTeX mode: \frac{x}{y}=\alpha It converts to Professional look normally, ...
VIK's user avatar
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MS Word 365 Equation Numbering Formatting with Chapter Number

I am writing a document in there are equations, each of which should have the chapter number and the equation number (e.g., 2.1). I would prefer my equations remain in display mode, so I am using the ...
Aliden's user avatar
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How to do a reverse goal seek formula in order to solve this equation?

I have created a model whereby I've got the following: Cost (column P) Dealer price (Column S) Current List price (Column T) I've then done some market research and have adjusted List pricing (RRP) ...
sonic99's user avatar
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1 answer

Powerpoint 2010 converted all slides with equations to pictures - how to convert back?

Due to a compatibility issue of some sort when saving the file to .ppt, PowerPoint 2010 converted all slides containing an equation to a picture of the text frame containing the equation. This text ...
tomka's user avatar
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2 votes
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Correctly adding a hat over i character in a Word office equation

I've been trying on figuring out how to correctly insert an accent over the i character in a word equation. For example, if i do: i\hat, i get: If i do: i\above ^ i get , which is too far from the ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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3 answers

Align equation to bracket in Microsoft Word

I need to align the second equation to the left, do you have any advice on how to do it? Already tried through the align left(Alt+L), and inserting ”&” before the second equation.
Egidiu's user avatar
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Commands like \cdot and \delta not working when making equations in MS Word 2018 Mac

I have been redirected to this site. I just installed MS Word 2018 on my new laptop (Mac) the other night and I have run into problems when I make equations. When I type a command into the equation ...
Carl's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

MS Word: how do I type an equation involving letters above/below an arrow?

I am trying to reproduce the following in MS Word 2016. That is, letters above and below an arrow. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
kenny's user avatar
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Microsoft Word insert new equation shows a sort of blue bracklet box

Everytime I insert a new equation, it appears between two weirdd bluish box schaped bracklets with gray font color. It started a few days ago and I never had this before. I thought a computer reboot ...
Hung Tran's user avatar
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Symbol for Universal Set in Microsoft Word

I want to find a way to insert this symbol circled in orange.(Universal set notation used in a particular maths syllabus.) Attempts so far. Different scripts of "E" in Microsoft Word. (Palace ...
daruma's user avatar
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Show fraction as it is in excel [duplicate]

I have an excel formula: =(3+2)/2 which outputs: 2.5 I want the cell to appear exactly like: (3+2)/2 and also use it in calculations. Is there a way to do this?
fawad aslam's user avatar
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How do I apply the same equation to other cells?

I have a simple excel sheet with groundwater levels sampled from different wells over time. It looks something like this: But with a lot more wells, dates and measurements taken over the course of ...
Linebeck's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Microsoft Word 2016: math equation shortcut, hitting space bar changes nothing

I have an issue when writing shortcuts for equations in Word 2016. Say I want to write x². When I add a new equation and write x^2, then if I hit the space bar nothing happens. It doesn't ...
Yonatan Setbon's user avatar
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In PowerPoint 2013, short hyphens in equations change to long ones after reopening the file. How to prevent this?

TL;DR: EXAMPLE-AAA changes to EXAMPLE  —  AAA after closing and opening a pptx. I have PowerPoint 2013 on Windows 7 Enterprise. In math mode (i.e. inserting an equation), sometimes I ...
thanks's user avatar
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Using mathmatical equivalent of Excel PMT function to solve for number of years [closed]

Thanks to this forum I understand the math equivalent to the PMT function is P = (Pv*R) / [1 - (1 + R)^(-n)], and it works well. However, I'd like to solve for n given P, and my algebra is but a 50 ...
bobpeterson22's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I combine String with each comma separated value from another Cell

I am working with a list of account numbers in column A and list of subs in column B. Column A has just the account number for example: 310050. Column B has a list of subs: Example: 10,11,30. What I ...
Ardel's user avatar
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3 votes
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Animating individual lines of an equation array in PowerPoint

I want to reveal one line in an equation array (generated using the "\eqarray" command in PowerPoint) at a time. I.e., I want to mimic adding a "\pause" at the end of each line break in an equation ...
Huck Bennett's user avatar
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Open Office Calc - What formula can be used to find a value in a column based on another value being reached in a different column

So I have 2 separate columns (Column A / B for this matter) which use different formulas to increment for approximately different amounts. I need a formula / equation which when column B reaches a ...
user2041029's user avatar
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how to get rid of extra spaces below a page in MS word

I am writing equations in word using tables. My problem is, when the space below the page is insufficient for the equation, the equation goes to the next page and there is a blank space at the bottom ...
stack exchange's user avatar
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How can I change the height of mathematical equations in Microsoft Word 2013?

How can I change the height of mathematical equations in Microsoft Word 2013? Example: I would like to change the height of the following selected equation: to have the same the height as the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Excel Formula to interpret 4.15 as 4 hours, 15 minutes

I am creating a timesheet/rota for my company and each single cell contains the IN time and OUT time, presented as "9-3". I have created a function which will SUM the string of 6 days, calculating ...
Gray Roberts's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Shortcut of 'adding an equation' in Word 2016 for laptop

In Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows, Alt+* is a shortcut key for adding an equation. However, there is no separate key for * on my laptop keyboard. I have to use Shift+8 to insert '*', yet Alt+Shift+8 ...
user67275's user avatar
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Microsoft Equation subscript not working as normal

So I've been using Microsoft Equation Editor for the past 3 months or so, and all of a sudden I'm getting a different result when I want a subscript. For example, if I want to get Dmin, I type "D_min"....
gerrgheiser's user avatar
2 votes
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Audio Equalisation

While using my computer, I noticed that when one program makes a loud noise, all other sounds are softened. (e.g. Playing music and and an email notification comes in.) Is there a way to disable ...
Hazzdood's user avatar
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Text with both a superscript and a subscript in Microsoft Visio 2013

I wonder how to add text with both a superscript and a subscript in Microsoft Visio 2013. Example: I am aware of the fact I could use Microsoft Word Equation Editor for that purpose: but the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar