Questions tagged [eye-strain]

A condition where the eyes hurt after extended exposure to any kind of backlight display. Can be both temporary or permanent.

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Refresh rates on LED monitors and eye strain

In the old days it was simple, anything less that a 75 Hz refresh rate on a CRT monitor hurt my eyes. Now things seem more complicated. As a programmer I spend a lot of time in front of my monitor, or ...
Hyperion68's user avatar
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Is Acer BlueLightShield (non Pro version) merely an application?

I was looking at two entry level 75 Hz monitors from LG and Acer. Both have same basic functions. The main difference I could see is LG (and other brands too) don't have anything specific like the ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Is there a way to reduce the eye shock while switching between high contrast windows in Linux?

Quite often, I jump between my terminal window and a browser and a lot of websites have background colors that contrast with my terminal's background, which is painful for my eyes. Is there a way to ...
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