Questions tagged [feature-regression]

Regression in this sense refers to the disappearance of or unwelcome change in a feature which was present or superior in a previous version.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Windows 7: can I renew DHCP lease through GUI?

In Windows XP, there was a GUI option within each network interface to renew the DHCP lease of the interface. Does Windows 7 Professional no longer offer a GUI to renew DHCP? Else, how and where do ...
cnst's user avatar
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Disabling multi-touch feature in Windows 10

While I'm developing a POS application, I do have some issues with windows 10 multi finger touch. I need to disable multi finger touch and all other touch gestures and make the touch panel behave like ...
Malek Boubakri's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to disable Chrome media controls?

Today when I opened Chrome and played a YouTube video the horrible thing pictured in the link appeared right next to my extensions. I've disabled it once before by disabling the Global Media Controls ...
Demon's user avatar
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