Questions tagged [gnome-terminal]

GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment. Among its key features are support for multiple profiles, colored text, tabs, mouse support, URL detection a number of UI customizations and compatibility options.

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-1 votes
1 answer

All GTK/VTE-based terminal emulators are showing a significant input lag

Recently, I've installed a new SSD drive and deployed Ubuntu 22.04.04 on it. At first everything was perfect, but then I noticed that gnome-terminal has a significant input lag (up to a second) even ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to transfer/apply GNOME Terminal colors to KDE Konsole?

I need to use GNOME Terminal colors in KDE Konsole. I'm not sure exactly where I can get an up-to-date color palette from GNOME Terminal, but I guess this might work:
2 votes
0 answers

LXTerminal does not display Urdu characters correctly

I'm Chinese and I don't read Urdu, but I want to communicate better with Indians. In LXTerminal, the output looks like this, with some characters rendered as wingdings: In QTerminal the output seems ...
15 votes
5 answers

can I make ubuntu's terminal program automatically copy to the clipboard selected text and paste on right click?

i'm used to using putty on a window's machine. With putty whatever you select is automatically on the clipboard without having to right click and select copy. And right click just pastes.
5 votes
2 answers

How to stop htop controlling terminal's mouse?

When you running htop (with Gnome-Terminal + Ubuntu 14.04), and left-clicking a process on the terminal window, htop will move cursor into that process. I prefer to disable it, but I didn't find in ...
77 votes
5 answers

Slight delay when switching modes in vim using tmux or screen

Switching to and from insert mode in Vim is no longer instantaneous since I use tmux. After pressing Esc in insert mode, it takes a noticeable amount of time to actually get out of insert mode. After ...
0 votes
1 answer

copying tabs from terminal is broken at the text-wrapping edge (the width changes outcome)

The following code will print "a"s up to the terminal width and then a tab character and then a "b". I've tested both Ubuntu's default Gnome terminals and Terminator and they ...
10 votes
6 answers

Will any (recent) Linux terminal emulator allow me to save my session (tabs, history, etc)?

Over time, I become invested in my terminal sessions: tabs, command history, window layout and title, etc. Eventually, a reboot requires me to start all over again which wastes my time. The two ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get out of git in the bash terminal's command line

My terminal's logline (is that the right term?) says I'm in git. How do I exit git?:
1 vote
2 answers

howto copy all text in a gnome-terminal in RHEL linux 5.3

I work on the gnome-terminal in RHEL 5.3. Since the terminal does not have features like searching for text, etc, I usually want to copy the entire text in the terminal and paste into an editor. In ...
2 votes
1 answer

Disable Using Bright Colors for Bold Font in gnome-terminal 3.22.x?

This question was answered (5 years ago) for an earlier version where the profile/colors had an check box for making bold colors the same as text. No longer the case in version 3.22.x of gnome-...
10 votes
2 answers

Disable Using Bright Colors for Bold Font in gnome-terminal

gnome-terminal uses bright colors for bold fonts. Is it possible to configure it to use the same color for bold fonts as for normal fonts. Also, I do need bright colors somewhere else, so changing the ...
2 votes
1 answer

include terminating newline in middle mouse button paste

Ubuntu 22's gnome-terminal lets you click-drag a selection including a terminating newline (say, a command to run). But when you paste it back into the shell by clicking the middle mouse button, the ...
0 votes
0 answers

every time i open my parrot OS terminal i get bash: ‘export: command not found

I prefer Linux. I accidentally executed a misspelled command in terminal. sudo echo 'export PATH=/home/grump/miniconda3/bin:$PATH' >> /.bashrc What can I do now that it is constantly executing ...
5 votes
2 answers

Bash prompt "variables" not working?

I have added this into my ~/.bashrc, to change the prompt: PS1='[\u@\h \w]\$ ' However, it is not showing what I want. I believe this is meant to show my username and possibly the directory that I ...
5 votes
2 answers

Gnome Terminal copy-on-select

I upgraded Ubuntu to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. My current version GNOME 3.36.8, and the windowing system is X11. My Gnome Terminal version is 3.36.2. Before the upgrade selecting text in the Gnome terminal ...
274 votes
9 answers

In vim, how can I quickly switch between tabs?

In gnome-terminal, I can just press Alt + (1, 2, 3, etc.) to switch to specific tabs. I can also use Ctrl + (PgUp / PgDn) to cycle through tabs (admittedly less convenient, but it can be remapped). ...
0 votes
1 answer

Neofetch autostart in Awesome WM not working

Trying to run Neofetch in Linux automatically on startup in Awesome WM. Problem is the terminal opens and closes, doesn't stay open. If I change the gnome-terminal option to stay open, I get errors. I'...
38 votes
4 answers

How to make mouse wheel scroll the less pager using bash and gnome-terminal?

I have two computers with the latest Fedora. On the first, I'm using zsh and the mouse wheel can be used with the less pager within gnome-terminal to scroll the pager. On the second, I use bash and ...
0 votes
0 answers

shell to have certain words hilighted

I'd like to have certain key-words hilighted in my gnome-terminal window like "error". Is it possible to configure gnome-terminal or zsh in such a way it will hilight these words (no matter ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bash: Open new tab in newly opened terminal

I want to open new terminal windows, each with multiple tabs, and while I've managed to open the windows, I'm having trouble with the tabs. What I currently have is: #!/bin/bash # Opens new window, ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to open new terminal window in previous directory using fish shell?

I use fish shell and Gnome-Terminal Version 3.44. When I open a new terminal I'd like it to start up in the previously-visited directory. How can I implement this via fish shell?
0 votes
1 answer

Rotate all video in a folder with ffmpeg?

I have a lot of videos which are recorder 90 • rotated so I want to rotate all videos 90 degrees clockwise direction. If this possible? I used for loop but there is some mistake because of spaces ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is ctrl-; doing in Gnome Terminal and Emacs?

When I type ctrl-; in Gnome Terminal, it prints an underlined letter e. If I type a bunch of letters, they're also underlined. When I hit enter, the underline goes away, and the first e also goes away....
2 votes
3 answers

Mouse right-click menu in RXVT

I moved from gnome-terminal to urxvt. I am used to having a right-click menu in gnome-terminal. Do such menus exist in urxvt?
2 votes
1 answer

How to move tab title from top to bottom in gnome-terminal on Ubuntu?

I do love konsole on redhat, but now I have to work with Ubuntu. So I installed konsole on Ubuntu, but it seems not good since when I copy something by selecting, tail of the line are full filled ...
49 votes
4 answers

Is there any way to keep text passed to head, tail, less, etc. to be colored?

Is there any way to keep colorization of text passed through pipe | to head, tail, less, etc.?
7 votes
4 answers

How can I turn off font-antialiasing only for gnome-terminal, but not for other applications?

I'm running GNOME (gnome-session under xmonad). I want to turn off antialiasing (i.e. use monochrome mode) for fonts in gnome-terminal. But I want to retain antialiasing for other applications, like ...
19 votes
4 answers

Terminal that supports the ANSI italic escape code?

I would like to replace GVim with Vim in the terminal. One of the nice things about GVim is that it is able to display text using italics. Vim allows setting an ANSI escape code for italics (\e[3m), ...
8 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu: Copy terminal mouse selection automatically to clipboard for other apps?

I can use keyboard shortcuts and selecting text with the left mouse button allows me to insert the selection within gnome-terminal with the middle mouse button. However, mouse selection with left ...
17 votes
3 answers

Using Ctrl-Tab to switch between tabs in gnome-terminal

is there any way to switch between tabs using Ctrl-Tab shortcut?
0 votes
0 answers

Retrieve current folder on custom command on gnome-terminal

I'm using fish for some days upon Ubuntu gnome but I don't know if that's possible to keep the feature "open the terminal in a specific folder". Inside Files app, I right click inside a ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Why does my Terminal window close automatically

My system is CentOS 6. X window is gnome 2.28.2 Why do I chick the terminal of Desktop that has been closed automatically. There before, I have set the options: profile preferences -> title and ...
0 votes
0 answers

dwm displays squares instead of text for directories

so I'm new when it comes to installing and setting up linux. I'm doing it with arch linux to learn more about this stuff, but i hit a road block when i tried to install and configure dwm, as well as ...
5 votes
3 answers

Setting up a command line alarm clock in Gnome

I'd love to have a CLI alarm clock and came up with this: echo 'gnome-open /home/me/alarm.ogg' | at 09:15 Any ideas why above doesn't work, or anything along those lines? I've found an answer: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Open a gnome terminal through a bash script and call and run an aliased command

I am trying to write a bash script that opens a new gnome terminal window and runs an aliased command. I have seen that instead of using aliases using a function is the proper way to go. I have tried ...
6 votes
4 answers

Access the name of the gnome terminal profile from the command line

Gnome Terminal allows to have different profiles. Is it possible to get the profile name under which that terminal started from the command line?
0 votes
1 answer

Can no longer open terminal after editing my bash_aliases

I edited my bash_aliases to have a new alias (stars block out my email for privacy sake): alias t_cluster="u*******" I then mistakenly added this to my bash_aliases (...
13 votes
3 answers

Programmatically open tab in gnome-terminal, execute command, and have tab stay open

I am trying to write a command that will launch a few terminal tabs, execute something in each tab, and have each tab stay open after the command in finished, so I can look at the output and type more ...
4 votes
3 answers

How to change gnome-terminals startup directory?

It seems like gnome-terminal has changed its startup behavior and now new shells opened via CTRL-SHIFT-N have ~ set as their working directory. Before this change the new shell was opened in the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to paste control characters in gnome-terminal?

System: Ubuntu 18.04 Question: How can I copy a string that includes control characters such as ctrl-a, e.g. from gvim (fenc=ascii or utf-8), and paste it including control characters in gnome-...
0 votes
1 answer

Copy/paste stops working in gnome-terminal over VNC session

I have been clumsily working around a strange clipboard issue on a Linux system over VNC. I recently noted a fix and want to document it here. An alternate title for this post might be: VNC client/...
0 votes
1 answer

Changed "path" variable in Ubuntu Linux and basic commands have stopped working

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 (as a virtual machine). I installed TeX Live system over the internet. Once the installation of TeX live finished, it said Most importantly, add /usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create complex alias (start Ember, start Rails, and change directory) in Ubuntu 20.10.4

I'd like to use an alias to start my Rails/Ember app, open a new terminal tab and cd into the Ember directory. I use Ubuntu 20.10.4 and the default Terminal. This is what i have so far: alias ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can I see the console output on linux like in windows?

Well, let's say we have a application that runs in a console and is for both windows and linux. On windows when you double click the application a command window opens and the application runs, you ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create profile in Gnome Terminal programmatically (from command line)

I want to configure Gnome Terminal using a non-interactive script. I know how to configure an existing profile, but that requires the profile ID: # List the UUIDs gsettings get org.gnome.Terminal....
254 votes
8 answers

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of GNOME Terminal

When I connect via ssh to certain servers, it timeouts and "freezes" the terminal (doesn't accept input, doesn't disconnect, can't Ctrl-C to kill the ssh process or anything). This is in Ubuntu's ...
0 votes
0 answers

Enable gnome-terminal hotkeys depending on the vi mode in the terminal

I have recently discovered that it is possible to enable vim bindings in the gnome-terminal with: set -o vi Now I would like to know whether it is possible to also enable hotkeys for the terminal ...
1 vote
1 answer

tmux ctrl-a stopped working after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04

I have had my tmux prefix set to c-a for as long as I can remember. Immediately after upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04, ctrl-a no longer works. My terminal (gnome and xterm) simply display ^A. If I change ...
4 votes
4 answers

gnome-terminal. New tab opening

I am launching the gnome-terminal and I am working in a specific path, for example: /home/user/programs/c. Now I am opening another tab. When I am opening the new tab it is also in the same path, i.e....

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