Questions tagged [google-toolbar]

The tag has no usage guidance.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How Do I Turn off Google Toolbar's Quick Scroll PERMANENTLY?

I am fed up with the Google Toolbar because it keeps turning on Quick Scroll. I know how to turn it off via the Tools spanner, then Options, Tools and remove the tick next to 'Quick Scroll'. ...
Guy Thomas's user avatar
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Why has Google toolbar stopped working in Firefox 3.6.8?

Yesterday, I noticed that my Google Toolbar has stopped working. The toolbar is still there, but it is completely blank (no buttons or input fields, just a gray strip of nothing). In addition to this, ...
devuxer's user avatar
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Customize Google Toolbar to use querystring parameters for search

I like using the google toolbar but I would like it to use: as the default search when I type in terms. Is there a way to do this?
Brandon's user avatar
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